So I'll admit.


New Member
Indos and wheelies are of no concern to me, I have no desire to do them.. However, I split gaps between cars and speed. My bike sees 10 grand often, :( am I a bad person?

This is the true question :thumbup:
Indos and wheelies are of no concern to me, I have no desire to do them.. However, I split gaps between cars and speed. My bike sees 10 grand often, :( am I a bad person?

Just remember that you have to get the bike slowed down to make a turn or avoid an accident from a lane changing cager. If there is sand or oil on the road and you are moving at high speed, you will be screwed like me. Totaled bike, 3 busted ribs and a dislocated shoulder looking to move up to an R1.:D
Indos and wheelies are of no concern to me, I have no desire to do them.. However, I split gaps between cars and speed. My bike sees 10 grand often, :( am I a bad person?

Bad people hide in Pakistan hoping the US military will not find them. :eek:
How have you been youg man? Getting back there?

Thanks for asking Martin,

Between my meds for Hep C (nasty interferon crap) and the busted ribs and effed shoulder, I've had a less than positive outlook for a few weeks. At 3.5 weeks, the pain has lessened enough that I'm actively perusing craigslist for a used R1 while waiting for the insurance payout.

I was seriously considering not riding on the street anymore and just racing the NSR50R but I feel the need for speed. The Fiddy is fun to drag knee as the corners are 35 or so mph and the bike is like 180 lb or so but a 70 mph top end with a track straight limit of 40 mph or so before braking for the corner is not enough. Those quick pops to 110 mph and beyond are like heroin to me on a sportbike. There is no way I could ever be happy on a cruiser...unless it was a souped up turbo charged 200 mph Harley flat tracker...LOL...
It hurts like heck to get all busted up on a bike but if you wear the gear, the skin remains pretty much intact and the injuries are less.

One lesson learned is those mesh pants I had on are CRAP....I can't remember the brand but it was some dudes first and lastname. The seams ripped out and exposed the knee to road rash.. My right knee is finally scab free as of yesterday. The nylon held up fine but if the seams rip you are exposed. I looked for the brand but no one is selling it anymore. So just make sure you get some nice sturdy seams on your hot weather pants. Having knee sliders on them would be good too...LOL.....

I'm doing fine considering my age and all and looking to get back on a bike ASAP. My Dad told me once to get back on the horse ASAP after getting bucked off or you will lose that fearlessness. Since it's spring, there are a ton of bikes on the road now and I'm jealous. I saw 7 Suzuki sport bikes in a row the other day and they were looking good. (Kinda like being horny as hell and starting to look at ugly chicks)....LOL...LMAO
My preferences are

Hopefully I'll have some cash to get another bike in the next week or 2 or I'm in trouble because my fiance will be here and most likely try to nix the purchase....Gotta move on it.....
Indos and wheelies are of no concern to me, I have no desire to do them.. However, I split gaps between cars and speed. My bike sees 10 grand often, :( am I a bad person?

Not a bad person, but your boasting methods could use a little polishing.
Glad you're doing better! Are those Frank Tommas? I have a pair of those...

Yes....I hate to trash brand names as we all have different experiences with products. If you can't say anything good, STFU...LOL....

Also if you crash and are incapacitated, expect to have all your gear cut off you in the emergency room. The Fire dept paramedics know this and stripped me to tee shirt and skivies....before delivering me to emergency. Hurt like hell to get the jacket off....Dohhhhhhhh....

So I was riding to work today and hooked up in a lane with an R6 and a R1, We are rolling down and pass a police bike, He turns around on us then we pass a police car traveling the same direction as us, These two dumb asses freak out and and start splitting cars and cutting thru parking lots driving retarded, (Cops never turned their lights on) while I keep cruising doing my average 55 in a 45 just to keep the pace with cars. Just makes me so glad I'm the only person I know(out of prob 150 bikes) that has a license, tag, and insurance.
