So I went to take the cover off of the bike this morning...


New Member
And it started squirming once it hit the ground. Turns out a cat had perched under it to keep dry. I've never had that happen before lol. I felt bad for the little guy.
When I was a kid, it was not uncommon for a cat to climb into the fan shroud on a car to sleep up against a warm rad on a winter night. Fans weren't electric then. It was sad to see the fur flying out from under the car and around the hood when the car was started in the morning.
Poor little guy, bet that scared the crap outta you though. :D

I was confused at first. I was standing there wondering how my cover came to life lol.
When you said squirming, I was thinking snake. Now that would suck. I'd be paranoid about getting on my bike lol
When you said squirming, I was thinking snake. Now that would suck. I'd be paranoid about getting on my bike lol

This makes me think of this picture I found on another bike forum. I don't know the circumstances of the picture, but if I was riding down the road and found this on me or my bike, I think I would find out just how fast I could stop and get off!!!

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I check the airplane for rattlesnakes as a step in the flight inspection procedure before turning on the key. In the west it does happen occasionally and you had better check under all the seats and the pedals etc. If one appears while in flight, you are screwed.
I check the airplane for rattlesnakes as a step in the flight inspection procedure before turning on the key. In the west it does happen occasionally and you had better check under all the seats and the pedals etc. If one appears while in flight, you are screwed.
Someone should make a movie about that.
Someone should make a movie about that.
I could see that going over well. I think it would be smart if they casted Samuel L. Jackson in the lead role. It seems like a good fit for him. I wonder what they'd call it though...
I could see that going over well. I think it would be smart if they casted Samuel L. Jackson in the lead role. It seems like a good fit for him. I wonder what they'd call it though...

Pulp Fiction 2: Say that one more time, motherfu&(*ah!!
I agree with David... I'd be off the bike in a heartbeat if I saw a spider that size on me or the bike. I'd probably even manage to grab the spider and throw him while I'm in midair, just to reassure myself that he won't bite me if I survive...

nothing like a little fuzzy pussy in the morning :p
