Shifter sticky - can I lube shift lever?


New Member
Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question, but after about 300 miles my gear shift lever pedal is 'sticky' -- I have to stamp on it to get it to change gears, and sometimes it 'sticks' in neutral when I'm stopped and I have to rock the bike a bit to get it to drop into gear. Is this something that just like, needs to be oiled (how?) Or should I take it in for service? Again sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm new :)
Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question, but after about 300 miles my gear shift lever pedal is 'sticky' -- I have to stamp on it to get it to change gears, and sometimes it 'sticks' in neutral when I'm stopped and I have to rock the bike a bit to get it to drop into gear. Is this something that just like, needs to be oiled (how?) Or should I take it in for service? Again sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm new :)

2012? i would bring to the dealer. It's under the warranty. Dont mess with it.
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ok thanks for the info guys. this happens mostly when I'm stopped. I'll head in to the dealer.

Mine has always done the same thing. Like it doesnt completely go into the gear you shift down to. I think its a normal thing for this bike. I just let the clutch out slightly when this happens and then continue to shift down. Only does it when i dont get to shift down through the gears when slowing and then once stopped they jumble up a little when trying to get down to first. I wouldnt worry about it man i bet every fz6r does it wether the ownet realizess it or not.

Giving it a bit of throttle works well, like Marthy said. Another way of changing gears while at a stop is to slightly roll your bike back and/or forward as you put pressure on the gear lever.

I do this sometimes at stop lights but mostly when the motorcycle is parked and I want to put it in neutral from first gear.
