She's gone


New Member
In a previous thread (What are you doing this weekend?) I mentioned that we were having a Yard Sale. Well we did have a Sale but for the work we did all day we only sold a few items and made only $29.50:( A fellow came to our house to look at some of our stuff and saw the 6R in the garage,,looked at it and made a offer on the spot. After much thinking,,I sold my bike. Yeah I know I will miss it,,,,allot but I was not comfortable with the amount of Moo-La on my Line of Credit,,,sooo the papers were signed last night. Now I am not going any where away from this Forum..all you guys I consider my friends (Yes even you C.C.!) and I enjoy the topics/discussions and the occational razzing of each other. I will some time perhaps with in the next 3 years replace the FZ6R with something which will be hard because I found the 6R to be a perfect bike for me. So I shall continue to give and ask for advice from everyone,,,,you can't get rid of me that easy.:thumbup: Laurence (Laurie) Potter
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Wow just like that eh. I agree, with an offer on the table and a LOC you know is just gnawing away at you, it's a hard decision to make.
space reserved for my reply after i get to work
Well Laurie, a man has to do what a man has to do. I have gotten rid of cars for the same reason. Kind of a bitter/sweet thing,like my first wife. I hated to see her go,but something better always comes along. :D I always enjoy your comments.
Wow, and you were giving me a hard time!! I am glad that you are comfortable with this, and hope that you aren't off of two for too long. It is addicting, and you don't realize what you have until it is gone... Good luck my friend.

You know the funny thing is I did not really plan for this to happen. My L.O.C. was up there and when the statement would come in,, yes I would bother me a bit. So I was thinking,occationally, what SHOULD I do to help my debt situation. Well I could find a part time job (20 hours/week) but that would take me away from my kids Base Ball/Hockey and I did not want to miss that. So I did think about letting the bike go,,but I could not bring myself to do it cause I do enjoy it and it is one of the best I ever had. I knew if I kept it I WOULD end up putting a pipe/PCV/change decals ETC so there would be more $$ on my L.O.C. and I found it very hard not to modify it. so along comes this guy at my yard sale and spies the bike and makes me an offer. ($5550 U.S.) So at this point in time it was the right thing to do,,just like the time I sold my 1969 Camaro Z/28 that I had spent 4 years getting restored. Yes I will miss it,,now if only I can stop looking at Muscle Cars and bikes on the internet!!!:eek:
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Damn... All my forum heroes are letting go of their bikes! Is it the approaching end of the season, or is it so obviously clear that it's this economy and I'm apparently blind or seemingly unaffected by it in relation to my motorcycle?

Glad the bike sale got you what you wanted as far as financial decision making. Sad to see another 6R go due to reasons beyond the owners control/intentions.

God what kind words...Hero? Me? NAAAA. I am just a guy who loves this Forum and the people who are involved. I have been in on-line Forums before but this one for me is a real home with great friends (Jesus I'm tearing up) and like I said I am here for the lonmg or no bike. Laurie
