Shaved down windscreen - thanks JSP, 24KMACH & tatty2012!


New Member
I asked a while back about windscreens and my options for something lower. Seemed aftermarket screens didn't fit the bill and people had been modifying their own. JSP posted a picture of his after he cut it and it looked incredible. I caved and shot him a message asking if he was willing to do mine. He got back to me with a more than reasonable price and off I shipped it. He had it back in the mail within a few days and today I got it back. Pics below - IT ROCKS!


JSP -- for the awesome work
24KMACH -- for graciously giving me his leftover stock windscreen
tatty2012 -- for allowing JSP to use his windscreen as a template for the cut






Glad you like it!!!! :) Glad to help ya out.
Nice work guys!

dont forget to +rep for JSP!

BTW what other babes do have lurking in your stable?
Bert-Aus said:
Nice work guys!

dont forget to +rep for JSP!
Done. Just figured out how. :p

Bert-AusNice said:
BTW what other babes do have lurking in your stable?

It's my buddy's garage. New bikes there on a daily basis lol. Always a wide array of GS500's though.
LMFAO the SMH was cuz you've beeb on here so long and have been very active but cant rep? SMH lol its okay bro I forgive you

Careful... Now he knows how to rep, he can throw negative rep too! ;)
