Sell the Daytona, or keep?


New Member
Alright guys so, this isn't going to happen this year, next season is when it will be happening, but anyhow, on to the story.

Me and my girl are planning our wedding for May of 2013, We were discussing wedding presents the other day (I didn't really want to get each other anything, but she insist so who am I to complain? :laugh:) and out of the blue she just says "Well how about I get you a new bike?" I didn't expect that at all! She wants to give it to me at the end of the reception so we can ride off on it. Sounds good to me! :laugh:

I REALLY want to try a Ducati. So the ones on the top of my list are the 848 Evo and the Panigale, 848 is my #1 choice as I just don't want or need the power of an 1199, it is drop dead sexy though :whistle:

Anyway, I have the option of either selling the Daytona, or keeping it as a backup/track bike.

I don't know if I could let it go, I LOVE this bike. Plus I have always wanted to do a naked conversion on it and this would allow me to do that. I just don't know if I could stand to see it just set there alot though, I don't have a LOT of time to ride. I used to have two bikes, but I got rid of my FZ6R because it just didn't get ridden.

So anyway, what would you guys do?
Might as well keep it if you can afford to. Then, if you're not riding it later and aren't as attracted because of your new ride, sell it.
Stick with it. Why get another bike if you love the one you have now? That is money that can be spent elsewhere
Stick with it. Why get another bike if you love the one you have now? That is money that can be spent elsewhere

Because I want it? :rolleyes: Money can be spent elsewhere yes, but who's to say it shouldn't be spent on more bikes! :thumbup:
I'm in a similar situation. I'd like to get a Bonneville T100 110th Anniversary Edition, but I can't justify having 2 bikes when I don't get enough time to ride 1 as much as I'd like, and I don't want to give up the sportbike.

If you're dead set on getting the new one (I personally would just stick with the Daytona), then I vote for selling the Daytona. If you're planning on having kids, you're riding time will decrease for a few years.
Because I want it? :rolleyes: Money can be spent elsewhere yes, but who's to say it shouldn't be spent on more bikes! :thumbup:

Then why ask? You seem to already have your mind made up. ;)
Might as well keep it if you can afford to. Then, if you're not riding it later and aren't as attracted because of your new ride, sell it.
What if you end up not caring so much later for the wedding present and don't ride it much or want to sell it? Are you ready for a lifetime of I bought you that nice motorcycle that you wanted so much and now you don't like it. And nothing I do is good enough and you don't appreciate how much i tried to give you a nice bike and you dont love me anymore, etc. That gift will become a symbol of her love and a wedding symbol and you will be stuck with that hunk of crap forever and the freedom of a motorcycle will become an anchor chain.

Don't think it will happen? as a wedding gift its a terrible idea. let her buy you a fishing pole or something.
What if you end up not caring so much later for the wedding present and don't ride it much or want to sell it? Are you ready for a lifetime of I bought you that nice motorcycle that you wanted so much and now you don't like it. And nothing I do is good enough and you don't appreciate how much i tried to give you a nice bike and you dont love me anymore, etc. That gift will become a symbol of her love and a wedding symbol and you will be stuck with that hunk of crap forever and the freedom of a motorcycle will become an anchor chain.

Don't think it will happen? as a wedding gift its a terrible idea. let her buy you a fishing pole or something.

haha, oh yes... Better not spend more time with the Daytona than you do with this new one. Get ready to explain why you are taking the Daytona out over the bike "she" got you. :thumbup:
Dude forget the bike for a wedding gift. Get her to sign a contract that says she will blow you once a day. Now THAT would be a gift that keeps on giving.
Might as well keep it if you can afford to. Then, if you're not riding it later and aren't as attracted because of your new ride, sell it.

EXACTLY what I was thinking!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
Here's an analogy to help...

I have a rich friend who is into cars & used to be into bikes too... At one point, he had 3 or 4 bikes in his garage plus 3 or four cars- all expensive shit. He never rode any of the bikes and eventually sold them all. He still has his cars, but they are also babied a lot...

I guess what I'm saying is that some ppl are all about owning things just to "have" them, and some ppl are all about "enjoying" what they own... Two completely different mentalities. And, you have to decide which category u fall under and what's financially sensible for your situation.

Obviously, if u have cash to burn like my friend, then u just buy expensive toys and store them in the 4 car garage and watch them depreciate away in pristine condition. Nothing wrong with that...

To those of us who enjoy riding as a sport/ hobby tho, it's a low down dirty shame to see any performance bikes sitting around gathering dust. lol. :) But, only u can decide what's best for u.

I didn't want to sell my 6R either, but I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I'm not rich like my friend, and I don't have enough time to ride two bikes. I felt my skills have improved enough to just focus on practicing on the R6. It just made no financial sense to keep the 6R- even tho I wanted to. So I shed a tear and let her go. And, she's now helping another new rider on the way to riding bliss.

No matter what u decide to do, u know that we will all be happy for u as long as u r happy.

Congrats on the engagement! :)
1. Get the Panigale
2. Develop a road trip contest to decide which one of us gets to ride it / compare it to the Daytona with you
3. Post the review
4. Analyze feedback
5. Decide
Sounds to me like she's saying "I want to get you another bike so I seem like I'm a great wife, however what I'm really saying is guess who is in charge of this relationship now. Ya know, I OWN you!":D

OR this scenario....

"I'm getting you this bike so later on down the road, you will OWE me... and I mean owe me BIG time!!" Girls don't buy extravagant gifts unless they want something in return. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. You better hope so!! :p

My opinion is GOOD luck with it! LoL.

Ok, maybe I shouldn't be so harsh, however, I know what girls think as I have the inside scoop. ;)

Of course I am partially kidding. Honestly, I don't see the reason to own two bikes (unless you are so loaded that you can spend money just to spend it) when you really just need the one and could use the extra money for, oh I don't know, a downpayment on a house, emergency bills, savings, etc.

Sounds to me like she's saying "I want to get you another bike so I seem like I'm a great wife, however what I'm really saying is guess who is in charge of this relationship now. Ya know, I OWN you!":D

OR this scenario....

"I'm getting you this bike so later on down the road, you will OWE me... and I mean owe me BIG time!!" Girls don't buy extravagant gifts unless they want something in return. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. You better hope so!! :p

My opinion is GOOD luck with it! LoL.

Ok, maybe I shouldn't be so harsh, however, I know what girls think as I have the inside scoop. ;)

Of course I am partially kidding. Honestly, I don't see the reason to own two bikes (unless you are so loaded that you can spend money just to spend it) when you really just need the one and could use the extra money for, oh I don't know, a downpayment on a house, emergency bills, savings, etc.

hes got life by the balls.
