Saw the 2013 FZ6R


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Yeah, I saw it at a dealership today too. Two things struck me that I really don't like about the 2013 model. First, I can't stand the white fender on the blue model. Second, the new style of the rear passenger grab rail really makes the tail light look huge and like it sticks out. I do however, like the graphics on the blue model.
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it's ok. those retail price tags still make me laugh
That front white fender sticks out like a sore thumb, and the read grab bar looks like the designer fell asleep mid way through the design. The graphics are nice though, has that r6 feel to them.

In my opinion Yamaha 2011 paint schems were the best of all time the 6R and R6 ex specially!!! The red and raven:cool:
I originally wanted my r6 to be black because I had my black fz and that's what I liked but ended up getting the 2012 yamaha blue r6. The whole things pretty much all blue except for the white stripe. The new 2013 blue r6 has the front white fender but looks good with the white bottom fairings. That white fender alone looks kind of strange on the fz.

Not bad I guess. Kinda wish they would do something about the actual engine however instead of just doing graphic updates every year.
