running over bikes like bowling pins

It doesnt matter its a gut reaction when someone your close to goes down like that . I wont change and im not naturally violent.

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I can understand that. But after watching some of the other videos of these riders it seems they look for confrontation and use the size of their group as a fear tactic. In this case I say mission accomplished. They put so much fear into a man that he was willing to run over a human being to get away. Not something normal for most people. I don't agree with what he did but I know if I thought my wife and son was in danger there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep them safe.

Sent while running with scissors.
The initial issue came when the first bike brake checked the SUV, to me this wasn't just a car stuck behind a group of jerks, it was almost personal like a bully stepping up in your face and threatening your liberty. The person on that bike tried to take control of the guy in the SUV's freedom. The prudent course, and one most would take would be to stay cool and let the issue diffuse itself, but sometimes the bully gets smashed in the face.

The guy who on the bike who brake checked and got bumped caused this whole thing, he was an arrogant asss who thought he could control another human and disrespected another man's right to his freedom like he didn't matter, he is the main one I would prosecute to the fullest extent. From there I would give assualt charges to those who retailated against the driver, particularly those who used a knife.

For the driver, I would admonish him in court, explain to him he was wrong to panic, and then send him on his way. There is a good chance he will get sued later by the paralyzed family anyway, he didn't started the fight, but he did participate, let that be played out in civil court.

As for the paralyzed guy, I really feel bad for him, no matter how foolish any of these stunt riders were, being confined to a wheel chair for the rest of your life is too high a penalty for being a hooligan. I actually hope he heals up and can be returned to his family and rebuild his life.
For those of you who are still in question as to what happened:

"New York's NBC 4 reports that an unnamed man seen punching the rear window of Alexian Lien's Range Rover turned himself in at a Queen's precinct earlier today. Police had already taken into custody 28-year-old Christopher Cruz, who they allege started the confrontation by swerving in front of Lien's vehicle and slamming on his brakes, causing Lien, who had his wife and child with him in the car, to nudge his back tire. That bump precipitated the real deterioration of the interaction."

So the whole thing because a motorcycle grabbed brakes in front of a huge SUV. Did you see the front of the road? What reason was there to grab a brake like that? Was it an actual emergency? No.

Who here would EVER do that without an actual emergency in front of them?
The whole thing makes me sick. I feel bad for the injured biker and I hope he recovers, but if I parked my bike in the middle of the road on a three lane hiway eventually someone would run over me. It is sad what these clowns have been doing.
Pretty sure Range Rover has automatic locks..wonder how they got the door to open? My crappy VW Golf doesn't unlock even when I put the gear in Park for safety measure.. not much you can do if someone is trying to smash your window in though.

Either case.. it is sad about the guy who is in the hospital in critial condition as he is a father, husband, and son to someone.

Let's be safe out there everyone!

You dont have to open a door to get someone out of a car. These bikers are ****ing idiots, give us all a terrible name. These are the reasons I dont ride in big groups, and dont live in a big city. Look at the previous videos of these guys riding, they act as if they are above the law.

The range rover wasnt 100% right, sure, but he had really no choice at that point. Only other option was slam it in reverse. Thats it, tell me a better solution.
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The mother of the biker that got hurt, was saying that he was trying to help his friend who got bumped by the range rover. Now I just saw footage of that biker because he was arrested and his leg did not appear to be broken. Initially the bikers did say that they stopped to help their buddy and that he suffered a broken leg. I do not even see his bike fall friom that video shown.
Not sure if it was posted here yet, but this is why i don't support these riders.

7 Videos The NYC Bikers Don't Want You To Watch - Car Throttle

There's a certain way that you ride in a group where you're respectful of others on the road and to the others in your group. These guys are just asshats on wheels. Most of them don't even have licenses. I hope many of them go to jail and get their motorcycles taken...somehow.

F***ing idiots. They should all go to jail.
if he was a responsible husband and care father he wouldn't have joined a "gang" of dicks (I can't even call them bikers anymore).

What are they saying around here on the news (tv and radio) is that they blocked the highway to try to get a nice stretch of road for themselves but somehow the RR got passed the block and was driving slow and they got pissed off because he was on the middle of their private stunt/race on the highway.
if he was a responsible husband and care father he wouldn't have joined a "gang" of dicks (I can't even call them bikers anymore).

What are they saying around here on the news (tv and radio) is that they blocked the highway to try to get a nice stretch of road for themselves but somehow the RR got passed the block and was driving slow and they got pissed off because he was on the middle of their private stunt/race on the highway.

I guess we don't need permits for blocking off roads now.
I'm interested in seeing how the NY DA handles this case, because it could have profound repercussions on the biking community as a whole... It could take weeks or months before they get it all sorted out.
Sorry, but not only would I have went through the bikers. I would've put the car in reverse and warned them to stay back or I'll defend myself with a 4000lb vehicle. I would've waited for the police to arrive until then. Do not feel for any of these bikers, they give good bikers a bad reputation. In the end, families safety (especially children) come first.
It's obviously wrong to block hwy's and hassle people in traffic.

I was assuming the guy in the Range Rover was driving dangerously before and got what he deserved for threatening lives. I've had guys with babies in cars drive dangerously at me before, I always think "why would he put his family in danger like that ?"

So many times I've wanted to rip a guy out of a car at some stop lights for threatening my life on the road. I'm stopping riding for awhile, I've had too much aggro towards me on the road lately. It's better that I stop for a while rather than get angry or do something momentarily satisfying.
