running over bikes like bowling pins

In that case, I probably also would have tried to protect my wife and small child.... probably would have pushed through slowly, but in a panic situation, people panic.

I don't know what happened before and what lead to this but if was PROTECTING MY WIFE AND KIDS. I will for sure NOT pushed through slowly. I would run them all over.
These are the tools that give bikers a bad name...

...and why I carry concealed...
Bikers were at fault. Im glad this guy in the range took them out. Respect goes both ways u stupid idiots. I really hoped that all involved who tried to damage the range would of gotten ran over.
all i can say is "WTF".:banghead:

****ing retards, both the driver and the bikers. this makes me sick.

THIS is why i want to live on a nice vacant island, so i can ride the twisties all by myself with no one (car or bike) to bother me or give me a bad image.
The guy in the Range with completely justified in his actions from what I could see in the video. Some idiot brake checked him and doesn't expect to get hit?
I would have and will run over anyone that puts my family's lives in danger. And when that one busted the window out with his helmet he would have been greeted by a .45 slug to his face. Then I would have floored it in reverse.

Those animals deserved to be shot for their actions.
Thats just it, lately there have been large groups of people riding crazy popping wheelies through the large eastcoast cities. Then when they get hit by a car, which was caused by the bikers, they have pulled out the driver and beat the living crap out of them. Its all over the news and even documentaries were made. The cage drivers know this, and then they see all the squids riding aggresively , some have no plates on their bikes, and this guy with his family was forced to drive off. Now at the end of the video we see a guy punching the back window where I assume the mans child was sitting, im surprised the driver did not back up and run them over again. There are always ahole drivers but in todays world with so many distractions that occur especially while driving, why do these bikers feel like they should be seen and given the right of way. I ride assuming that cars dont see me and im sure anyone with a functioning brain would see it that way.
I gotta agree with what most of you have been saying, I'd have done the same thing to protect my family. The guy felt his life was threatened, and it was either a me (or his family) or the other guy is going down situation. Makes me mad too, but I guess there are idiots of all types. If you ride you have to accept some people will not drive how you want, and the cost can be your life. If you can't handle that, don't ride.
The video starts with dozens of bikers seen speeding up to a Range Rover on the Henry Hudson Parkway. One of the bikers can be seen slowing down after pulling in front of the car.Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the SUV then accidentally hits the motorcycle, ultimately causing the biker to break his leg.Then at about 30 seconds into the video, the bikes all come to a complete stop on the highway, surrounding the Range Rover.That’s when an unidentified biker can be seen getting off his bike and walking towards the Range Rover as the other motorcyclists look on.“They take their helmets and they start to dent his car and apparently his tires are slashed there,” Kelly said.The SUV then hits the gas, running over at least one bike before speeding off.For the next couple of minutes in the video, the bikers are seen chasing the Range Rover through Manhattan until about the 4:50 mark when traffic forces the car to slow down.That’s when a biker can be seen running up to the SUV and yanking open the driver’s side door as the driver of the Range Rover again guns the engine in an attempt to get away, knocking over a bike as it speeds off.The bikers give chase again as the Range Rover heads into Washington Heights.The video ends when the SUV gets stuck in traffic on 178th Street. As the group of bikers surround the Range Rover, one of the riders can be seen jumping off his bike, ripping off his helmet and using it to bash in the driver’s side window.A second biker can also be seen running up and hitting the driver’s side passenger window with his fists.“He’s taken out of the car, he is assaulted,” Kelly said.Police said the driver of the SUV, a 33-year-old man, had his wife and young daughter inside the car at the time of the incident. The driver had called 911 to report the bikers were driving erratically, police said.He was taken to Columbia Presbyterian where he received stitches for cuts to his face and was released, police said.According to the user who posted the video online, the bikers were participating in an annual street ride in the city.Kelly said it was similar to an event that was held last year with dozens of bikers, who call themselves “Hollywood Stunts,” convening onto Times Square.In order to prevent the group from heading into Midtown this year, police set up checkpoints throughout the city. Kelly said during that effort, 15 arrests were made, 68 summonses were issues and 55 motorcycles were confiscated.

This happened in NY? And they call themselves "Hollywood Stunts"?! They're nowhere NEAR Hollywood.. and yes like nismos14 said.. no structured formations just all over the road.

I thought in one scene one rider actually looks into the SUV and the cuts him off.. some of these guys are in just T-shirts.. no gear.. being dumb.

I have a 2 year old daughter and yes even though she LOVES motorcycles, I would have done the same. I would've first stopped and tried to calm the situation and help out but that's all talk. When $*&t hits the fan, you never know.

Since I've been riding I'm always on lookout for motorcycles. When I lived in San Fran and got stuck on 101 on the left lane, when I see a motorcycle splitting lanes, I get out of the way best as possible. I would usually get a friendly wave.

We all need to have heightened sense of situational awareness.. cars, motorcycles, mopeds, joggers.. all alike. Life's too short.
