Rideye on Kickstarter


New Member
I didn't see this on here yet, sorry if it's already been posted...

Browsing Kickstarter during my lunch hour I came across this, called the Rideye RIDEYE: The Black Box Camera For Your Bike by Cedric Bosch ? Kickstarter

Seems pretty neat, it was designed for cyclists, but I don't see why it couldn't be used on a motorcycle as well. I personally ride with a Contour+ (RIP, so sad to see them shut their doors) but only typically on long rides during the weekends because I don't religiously charge the camera and clear the memory card, plus at only about a 4 battery life on a good day, I would need to worry about bringing my extra batteries just in case. This seems like a nice alternative for every-day commute to work and local places; great battery life, simple use, and a great price.

Looks like they're expecting to ship in March next year, just in time for riding season to start for those of us that experience that glorious frozen precipitation... I backed AdTrap last year using Kickstarter; they hit a bunch of delays and was what supposed to be delivered early this year I just got a week ago. The product is great but just because they say they expect to ship by a certain date doesn't obligate them to do so, but on the flip side you save some money off of the projected consumer price.
It's a great concept.... BUT, from the video at the bottom of the page the only license plate you can see is the van that drove DIRECTLY in front of the guy all the other cars that were directly on the left and right of him you can't see. You're only going to be able to see the make and model of the vehicles. The camera needs a stabilization feature, the thing doesn't look waterproof at all (nor is there any indication that there is), the resolution isn't high enough to make out enough details, and there are cheaper options that will work better. The original Contour camera, for example, is only $99, you can get waterproof cases, and can record at 1080, and you can get expandable memory.

Like I said, it is a great concept. Just needs more planning/features.
It's a great concept.... BUT, from the video at the bottom of the page the only license plate you can see is the van that drove DIRECTLY in front of the guy all the other cars that were directly on the left and right of him you can't see. You're only going to be able to see the make and model of the vehicles. The camera needs a stabilization feature, the thing doesn't look waterproof at all (nor is there any indication that there is), the resolution isn't high enough to make out enough details, and there are cheaper options that will work better. The original Contour camera, for example, is only $99, you can get waterproof cases, and can record at 1080, and you can get expandable memory.

Like I said, it is a great concept. Just needs more planning/features.

True dat...I didn't see the vid at the bottom. I did almost pick up a few extra Contours the other week...the Roams were going for $100 too.

Nice! Once the 2nd Gen came out the originals disappeared from here. None of the managers can remember what happened to them either.
