Rear Stand


New Member
Not sure... but this might have been talked about before.

Someone... Finish him.
OMG!!!!! Really???? What are we to do Mike? I'm not even gonna mention the "search" feature or the fact that we have talked about this stand numerous times in multiple "rear stand" threads and how it doesn't work on this bike.....not even gonna bring it up! :D :surrender:


Search feature , what is that ?
Gosh you guys are so smart I just can't imagine how i made it this far without your help .:)
I am installing a Lexmark Printer in openSUSE and the sh.tar.gz seems to not want to take chmod (a+x) and change permissions , can you help me out ?
Maybe untar it and run as root ? :eek:
Is that like running Windows 7 and thinking you have a secure operating system ? :rant:
When someone says it will not work , makes me want to try and make it work , just to go , huh , see there it will .
I am sorry for filling the forum up with useless repetitive information , after all no one else has ever done that now have they ? :D
Hey check it out I built my own exhaust , and no need of a PC module , huh !


Oh the HF steel one works great if you have a FE , but if not catches on the sprocket bolts or brake disc , without FE it catches on the License Plate when made to miss sprocket or disc . Of course that has been done to death as well hasn't it ? :D


Super Moderator
Thanks for understanding ;) haha :hug:


New Member
Whoa with that smarty farty computer lingo....:confused:

Sorry this is kind of a running joke Mike and me have on need to take it so personal, because it's not. :D

Relax and go ride. :thumbup:
