Rear brake pedal...bent?


New Member
Did an oil change but I may have either over tightened the oil drain bolt and oil filter, and now the rear brake pedal is bent! Is there any other explanation for this?
See pic below.


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Did an oil change but I may have either over tightened the oil drain bolt and oil filter, and now the rear brake pedal is bent! Is there any other explanation for this?
See pic below.
Huh???????? Maybe the bike fell over and you didn't notice it.
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Definitely looks bent.... Maybe it was tipped over by the shop. You changin oil wouldnt do anything.
Have you made any enemies recently, or know someone who would like to take a few good kicks at your bike?
Come on...the poor guy is looking for some senceable advice:spank:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good one though! :rof::rof::rof:

I think a 4:1 ratio of serious:silly responses is valid. Plus, without more pics and info, a Haunting can't be ruled out yet.

Fzara, what's the story? Any more forensic evidence?
Ok here's the full story. I was doing an oil change but was using the kickstand. I couldn't get the oil filter off last night so I called a friend over at 11:30pm who had a tool to do it. When he put on my K&N Filter I told him to hand tighten it but instead he used a socket wrench to tighten the shit out of it, And then when we were putting the fairing on I noticed the rear break pedal was crooked. Remind you that no one dropped the bike and I had taken the bike out yesterday before changing the oil.
I was gonna kill him!! When I told him to untighten everything we spent 30 minutes untigtening the damn oil filter because it was on that tightly.

The brake appears to be making contact with the bolt on directly to the left of it. When I start up the bike in Neutral and push down on the brake, the brake light is unchanged and stays on continuously. Not sure what to do about that or how to take off the pedal.

Regarding the kickstand, I think it may be the sensor which may have become loose. I'm going to check the manual and see if I can find any information but otherwise I'll need to have the bike towed because I can't get it out of neutral before it shuts down on me.

Anyone have any other advice? I learned a lesson and I'm never letting anyone touch my bike again.
First off, never ever ever let your "friend " touch your bike again, from what you are saying he shouldn't even be allowed to use tools of any kind on anything.

The issue with the brake lite is that however the pedal got mysteriously bent ( which is quite the mystery ) the pedal is now bent and is working the brake lite switch as if the brake is applied. You will have to either straighten out the pedal or if you cant , try to adjust the switch to work propery with the bent pedal. I myself would suggest fixing the pedal, but still can't understand how overtightening the filter had anything to do with the brake pedal???

As far as the kickstand switch goes, you should be able to adjust it to get it so you can ride the bike, or straighten out whatever is out of whack causing the switch problem but again, something must have REALLY gotten out of hand to do all the bending/wrecking stuff during an oil change!!!

It's one thing when a person can admit they are not mechanically inclined,and have to have someone else do the job for them, but it is MUCH WORSE when someone thinks they are a mechanic and then they end up wrecking something - especially when what they wreck is someone elses.

We are still at a loss understanding how it is possible all this damage happened during a simple oil/filter change, - and next time your "friend " is over lock up all the tools and tie his hands behind his back so he can't wreck anything else.

Good luck.
The sticking pedal is not only working the brake light but also working the brake. If you ride it with the brake dragging like that you will overheat and destroy the rear brake pads, rotor, and possibly the caliper.

Take a piece of pipe or a wrench or anything that you can put on the lever and bend the brake pedal back straight. It is fairly soft metal. At least bend it far enough not to hit on anything. Someone or something bent it.... bend it back.

Get a torque wrench and use it properly on everything. A wrench on the filter is fine if you don't overtighten it. You are also lucky if your "friend" didn't pull the threads out of the oil pan when he tightened the drain plug. Why don't you do stuff yourself instead of telling some guy that doesn't know what he's doing to do it?

Maybe he yanked the wires out of the kickstand switch or somehow broke it when he was down there . If you are not careful, the wire is right there next to the filter and you can get the wire pinched or tangled up in the oil filter wrench and pull it apart when you are turning the wrench. Get down there and look, feel around or do something to find the problem yourself.... then fix it.

You will save a lot of money and mental wear and tear if you get more knowledgable of the workings of your motorcycle. Most of the stuff is pretty easy, but also easy to screw up if you are not careful.
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Agreed. The kickstand wire looked a little bent but not cut in any way. I should have been patient and done everything this morning but instead I rushed so I could ride later today.
Anyway. Gonna take it to the dealer to see what they say.
I recommend not letting your friend ever touch your bike again. Not for maintenance, not for anything.

I also recommend you spend 10 minutes researching any maintenance before doing it. Even for an oil change- we all think we're experts, and then we forget to remove the gasket from the old oil filter. Refresh your memory before each maintenance item with a youtube video, one oyu trust. The 10 minutes spent will not be wasted if it saves an hour trip to the store in order to buy more stuff and spend even more time fixing because the job got messed up.

I recommend not letting your friend ever touch your bike again. Not for maintenance, not for anything.

I also recommend you spend 10 minutes researching any maintenance before doing it. Even for an oil change- we all think we're experts, and then we forget to remove the gasket from the old oil filter. Refresh your memory before each maintenance item with a youtube video, one oyu trust. The 10 minutes spent will not be wasted if it saves an hour trip to the store in order to buy more stuff and spend even more time fixing because the job got messed up.

I completely agree. Something I'll follow for next time.
