Really starting to contemplate selling the bike...

Having just laid down my bike recently for the first time, I agree with what most people have said: Don't sell it on an impulse. For me, when I came to laying in the middle of an intersection, headlights surrounding me I was definitely in shock. I limped to the side of the road and some gentleman were nice enough to pull the bike out of the road for me. As I was letting the adrenaline wear off some, all I could hear in my head was friends telling me "it's not if, it's when." Well, that was my when.

During the time I was healing and waiting to get my forks straightened, I weighed the pros and cons as many people have suggested. My pros outweighed my cons and I was willing to accept that it was my responsibility to do my best to mitigate the risks and that it could potentially happen again.

Wish you the best dude, and I hope you make the best decision for you!
