<Rant> Bike sizes

people like that buy bikes as accessarys to improve there image, theyd be better off getting a new head, the busa is annoying me more and more everyday unless your drag racing them there pointless, and buying one for road use says alot about the person I HAVE NO PENIS OR PERSONALITY! i dont hate anybike they all have there purpose, but i do think the 6r is a good leaner bike because i am a leaner and have found it fairly forgiving!
Is this the oldest discussion on the motoring Interwebz...or maybe which oil to use? ;)

Really, who cares what others think? I can easily walk away from most of these ego-heads on their liter-bikes on my slow, heavy, underpowered VFR800. And though I haven't tried it, I'm willing to bet I could do the same on my wife's FZ6R.:eek: IT'S THE ARCHER, NOT THE ARROW!

Spend your time and energy on being a better rider on the bike you prefer - it'll pay dividends...:D
i had to add to this thread......

my mate has a 'busa, it is an outstanding bit of kit, but motorways aside he does not try to keep up with me! It has no flickability whatsoever. What stops me getting another 1000cc bike is the cost of fuel (US$11 a gallon in the UK!), the XJ6 gives decent running costs.

When i was in the Alps a few weeks ago, thru a village an R1 came up behind me and started to follow me - we began to work our way up a mountain pass and he was not able to get past, infact I think he was just holding station with me. Each time we came to a hairpin bend, i could hold a slightly tighter line (i think due to the narrower rear tyre) and when we came out he dared not get the drive down as fast as me (150hp is gonna break traction very easy), i was able to pretty much wind the throttle fully open with only the odd wheel-spin or twitch. Of course when we got over the other side and hit a straight he wasted me!!!!

I have an FZR1000 (10 years of ownership) and apart from straight lines the XJ6 would leave it for dust, I carry far more corner speed on the XJ6 and get far more clean-drive out of turns.
Well shucks I might as well add my 2 cents. My hubby has a hayabusa and we belong to their forum, extremely nice group of people that try 10 times harder to do it right because of all the fools out there with something to prove. Not to mention alot of these guys have some frightening MAD skills. I think most people are just in love with their bikes and perhaps over zealous and try to convince the world to come over to their side of the tracks, haha. What a boring world this would be if there were only one bike to choose! When I fell in love with my FZ6R (I don't have my endorsement yet) my hubby took it for a spin and was very much impressed (he loves ALL bikes). So with that being said I am going to try to be the person I would like to see in others...quick to be patient, slow to anger. And when the obnoxious person riding the (inset bike here) tries to convince me how much better theirs is than mine I'll just smile and under my breath say screw you
LOL in my town, people ask me how big the motor is and i say 600cc and they are like whoa! no way!

Everyone in my town drives 50cc scooters and ninja 250s lol
The president of my motorcycle community has a hayabusa. Yesterday we rolled through 400+ miles of twisty turny hilly mountainy roads. He was scraping pegs on every hairpin turn. It comes down to the rider and their skill, and determination. Whats so different about a busa versus a gold wing? A wing can scrape pegs? Like I said...Its the rider not the bike. Yeah there are alot of fags out there with "Gayabusa's" with stretched out swing arms, retarded extended wide tires....and such cheap conversions you can hear the chain slapping when they drive. But now the standard busa rider...dont judge the book by its cover, until you know that person and how they ride.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSVg3Gg4LmA"]Goldwing @ TonysTrackDays.com (b) - YouTube[/ame]

But I do find this funny, apparently youtube thinks Hayabusa and skill doesn't belong in the same sentence. Made me laugh pretty hard after I just ranted about not judging.

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Here is a real life squid! (Not the Kid on my bike wearing my jacket. That is Cody aka Coders who I've know since he was just a wee lad. Still a bit immature though, obviously). Anyway, I don't know the guys name but he was giving me shit when I pulled up to show my boys at the skate park my new GSXR. OMG, so much trash talk it was unbelievable... although the people who mattered to me all thought it was so boss, so I didn't even really care about this dude. Just wanted you guys to see him. Anyway, this guy is all about how the 600 is super slow. Trying to tell me there is no power behind a 600 blah blah blah, etc etc (same old stuff). I said... "do you even have a bike bro? Do you know what you're talking about??" He was trying to talk all cool even though I could barley understand him. Do they still teach english in school or is it ebonics nowadays? Anyway, I just let him talk his trash because you can't change the mind of a douchebag and believe me, this guy was an absolute douchebag.... I mean look at him! :rolleyes: (So glad he made it into the pic by the way - there would have been no way for me to explain this dude).

Keep riding and and let that sh*t slide off you. You have better things to worry about in life than that of a moron who doesn't even ride and acts like he does, or that tool who does ride but will end up in a high side while wearing his cute little shorts, high tops, and wife beater.


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I just wanted to add I went to Auto Zone yesterday to get my oil and oil filter. The guy at the counter noticed my bike, asked what kind of was, and then kinda glared when I told him. He promptly told me that he was saving his money for a GXR 1000. I asked, and of course, it'd be his first bike. His second question was why I was wearing "so much" gear (Helmet and jacket is all he could see I had on). I shook my head and walked away.

I got out in the parking lot, and a guy stopped me "hey, that's a 1100 bike right?"

"No, it's a 600cc." I replied to him. He scoffed, mumbled something about him being way off, and gave me a glance of disdain. I had to laugh as he crawled into his full fledged white-trash-mobile of a 1980's civic that was mis-colored from being wrecked and patched, missing windows, and looked partially held together by duct tape.
