Quick vid of my new GoPro HD


New Member
Hey Guy's, I started a youtube account. (Vimeo only allows 1 HD video uploaded per week) Only have this video uploaded so far... Let me know what you think, thanks :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv4AStWte5M&feature=g-upl&context=G26e41e1AUAAAAAAAAAA]FZ6R front wheel view - YouTube[/ame]

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i like the camera angle and how its low enough so that you can see a good portion of the bike and watch the front end.

may have to steal that angle from you ;)

did you get the hero 2 or the original HD hero?
i like the camera angle and how its low enough so that you can see a good portion of the bike and watch the front end.

may have to steal that angle from you ;)

did you get the hero 2 or the original HD hero?

Thanks! I think it's cool to see the front end doing work. I stuck the suction cup mount near the bottom of the fairing. Took a bit of tweaking the camera just right but I got it. I was a little nervous trusting a suction cup but that thing is pretty solid.. I bought the original HD hero.
Looking good. What video editing software are you using? I'm using iMovie 08 and I can't for some odd reason export any videos larger than 960x540. If I try and import the full HD video from the camera, it degrades it's a ton. If I import it at 960x540, it's better, but still not full HD like I've seen from others guys videos. Kind of pissing me off that I have a $300 camera and I can't get real HD video out of it unless I just upload raw footage.

I'm not using any editing software yet just raw footage from the GoPro to youtube. Thanks, I'm trying to compete with you... your vid's are great!
Awesome video can't wait for more!! :thumbup:
I've been doing a little looking around and the issue is that I have an old version of iMovie. My Macbook is 4 or 5 years old running Leopard (first generation duo processors in Mac's with Leopard) All I need to do is upgrade to Snow Leopard and get the new iLife for $50 and that will export in full HD. woohoo!

Anyways, sorry for hijacking your thread. We'll see how my videos look after I go pick up the new software tomorrow. ;)

Haha you didn't hijack my thread! it's all good... Glad you found out the problem :thumbup:
I've been doing a little looking around and the issue is that I have an old version of iMovie. My Macbook is 4 or 5 years old running Leopard (first generation duo processors in Mac's with Leopard) All I need to do is upgrade to Snow Leopard and get the new iLife for $50 and that will export in full HD. woohoo!

Anyways, sorry for hijacking your thread. We'll see how my videos look after I go pick up the new software tomorrow. ;)

u guys should check this program callled Power Director out. you can buy it as a download or order the box version
PowerDirector 10 Deluxe | Video Editing Software
u can upload it in full HD straight from the program itself and you can cut edit and even do slow mo with it. There also are plenty of how tos on youtube showing how easy it is to edit videos and do transitions and effects with your videos
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTjUmVWIf-U&context=C3c56a4fADOEgsToPDskLTBpfnqHBiTWZsisrMpChg]FZ6R hitting some twisties - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOpFQKgY_nE&context=C3f8b5a3ADOEgsToPDskKCBbKNKBPkkmksvJU4AiLO"]FZ6R rider view 2 - YouTube[/ame]
