Pissed off

Well CC sounds like the best thing for you to do is, do what you have been doing and ignore him especially if you know it pisses him off even more! Try to stay calm and let him get himself introuble. Just don't go off on him and ROYALLY WHIP HIS
ASS!!! even though that's what we all know you want to do, just be the bigger and better person! Take care

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
yeah, I would probably smack the ever lovin crap out of him....

Me andmy friend are good with each other and we will ride each other's bikes but my other friend who is licensed I just don't trust. He just doesn't have enough experience for me to trust me with him driving my bike or even my car... I'm a bit of a prude with stuff like that.

Dude at work walked by my bike and ran his laptop case into the mirror and cracked the plastic by accident. I park so my bike is almost leaning against a bicycle shed with the handle bars and left mirror in front of it so it is as far from the walk path as possible for people to walk by. The Gorilla alarm went off, I heard my pager alarm and I looked out the window and there he was, 3 feet from the bike and looking back at the bike. No one else around the entire parking area. He acted like nothing happened came in and went upstairs to his desk. I had security run the video tape back where he hit the mirror to verify and make a copy and I looked up the part. $245.00. Security confronted him and he flat out denied it was him. He said he never even touched the bike.
He got fired immediately and he had to pay me the $245.00 plus tax and shipping too or they were going to have it taken out of his last paycheck.

Some people are so stupid it amazes me.
That was a great lesson. Had he be honest and own up his mistake he would still have his job.
