Other motorcycle forums (r6-forum etc)

I like my current bike more than my 6R on long trips. I find the wind blast easy enough to overcome, and I like the clean air better then the buffeting I used to get on my 6R. I am 6'1", so I found the wind hit right about level with my shoulders on my 6R and made real turbulent air around the bottom of my helmet. I get a lot less wind noise on my FZ1. I never even put a leg over my FZ1 with the fairing on, so I really can't comment on if it was any better than a 6R with the windscreen on.

That's an awful lot of work to end up with a detuned, naked R1 with a center stand.


All jokes aside, I wanted something I could spend all day on, and an R1 didn't fit the bill. I'm getting clip-ons, but not really low agressive ones. It will stretch me out a bit, but it still won't be SS ergo's. I also like the better real world usability of the FZ1 motor. SS bikes are too peaky for my needs.

I've often thought if I had really big coin I'd do and FZ1N, strip as much weight out as I could and put an R1 powerplant in it and make a wicked sleeper.
