OMG! Lady tried to run me and my landlord over with her truck!!!

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Tough to say - in a case like this, it definitely seems like this lady was intentionally trying to kill people and had the means to do so, regardless of whether she was drunk/confused. I think shooting her is justified.

But then up here in Canada that wouldn't fly so much.
I have some gaming buddies that live in Saskatchewan, Canada and they don't have to lock their Front doors or car doors. That's just crazy to me!!

Well.....I do live in the South Bay / South Los Angeles area. We lock the screen door, both door locks, security system, video cams, motion censor porch lights, gun in every room, big dog, iron gates over the windows, and a porch that shoots flames....connected to an "I WIN Button"!! :iconbeer:
It was a tough situation for sure. Im glad it ended the way it did and everyone is ok...

I knew she was loony in the fact that she was trying to squat into empty townhomes. Didnt know she was homicidal crazy. From where I was origionally behind all the cars, I couldnt have done much. If I was to fire from the side/rear of the vehicle then that puts the landlord and my wife and child in direct line of fire, plut the house behind me which is full of children.

If I was to run up in front of the car (after she had stopped pursuing on the landlord) which I did, I would have put my aunt and everyone else that was behind the vehicle in direct line of fire. (all if I was still carrying)

I chose to run in front of the vehicle getting the landlord back, effectively putting my self in danger and to move to my front door to make sure my wife and child stayed in the house. That is when she charged at me. The cops came around the corner on foot as she stopped. I never saw their cars or lights. If I was to fire then, they may have returned fire...

I took the actions I could to keep everyone safe. I dont think I would have fired even if I was still carrying. If she was ramming the other vehicles and the house or something showing no restraint then I may have. She was doing bull charges not hitting anything though. I dont know. You cant judge someones intent though... I can say that I am absolutely grateful that I didnt have to take someones life. I hope she gets the help she needs, honestly.
I hope you all read his entire post.

No guns were used by lets keep gun control and the gun argument where it belongs and out this thread. Guns were not leave guns out of the argument.....Thought of guns, thermonuclear devices, God, transvestites or anything else are THOUGHTS....not what was used in this incident. (I'll let you cross dressers ponder the transvestite reference)

someone said "Luckily - cooler heads prevailed and the matter was wrapped up without anyone losing their life. "


People were scrambling for their lives and finally the cops showed up and decided to subdue the crazy person instead of kill her. There were no cooler heads, only people in distress, trying to stay alive while some maniac tried to kill them. Pretty traumatic if you ask me and there is nothing cool about that!

Good for the cops and good for the crazy person.....everyone lived to spend time in jail, court, the looney bin and possibly counseling. Cumbayah

How is that statement bullshit? Since when does "scrambling for lives" equate being injured? You're also making a whole lot of assumptions. That this MANIAC was hellbent on the destruction of all life in the immediate area! Take it down a peg, cowboy.
Alright, come on guys. I dont want to have to lock my own thread now! ;)

Keep it cool and civil please.
From the quintessential COWBOY you sure have a loud bark.....

Didn't like me throttling your I'm for gun control but I get to own lots of illegal guns" and I'm from Canada so I'm better than that USA.
Take your jingoistic crap and shove it where the sun don't shine.

You made a bunch of innacurate statements in that last post so I guess you are just an ignorant A$$HOLE who didn't like being on the end of WRONG..

It upset you because it is true.

Didn't say trying to put words into my mouth?

Actually - I said I couldn't own illegal guns. Perhaps you'd be less pissed off if you learned to read.

Really? I understand she didn't hit anything and was making scary runs but stopping short of hurting life or property...again I didn't say trying to put words into my mouth again?

Put the peg up your A$$ and we will all sing cumbayah.....

Actually - I said I didn't own any illegal guns. Maybe if you actually read what I wrote instead of going off like a dumbass, you'd perhaps better contribute to the conversation.

I made no comment about Canada being better than the US - why would I? That has nothing to do with what's going on here in the slightest.

I'm not upset - I just think you're an angry, angry man that doesn't know how to formulate an argument outside of being the loudest dick in the room and mistaking the awkward silence that ensues as you being correct.

And the word you're searching for is, "Kumbayah" - tough guy.
Ok, all is well now... Back on topic :D
Now granted, I'm from Texas, and a former Marine, but through the whole story I kept thinking: "I think I would have pulled my sidearm at the first attempt on my life and put rounds into the vehicle." Some may not agree with this mentality, but my life is important to me and those attempting to take it better bring more than a truck! Just my two cents. :D
agreed.... and to paraphrase one of the best lines in Roadhouse: if someone tries to kill you, " got two choices: you can die or you can kill the muthafu(ker."
Great movie, BTW!!
I'm just going to let this one die off...

I realize this is a touchy subject and many will have lots of different opinions on the matter. I dont want this to get anymore heated than it already is.

No foul feelings to anyone or their opinions. Lets just get back to playing nice with eachother ok?

Everyone came out ok and I still get to come home to my wife and little daughter. That is all that matters to me right now.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Closing in 1....2....yah.

I'm also removing the last two hostile posts.
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