not trying to get flamed here

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Excellent...very fast, very accurate and let the flaming begin........
I got about 2 min in and stopped, have to wonder why you'd say you're not trying to get flamed.


Vid must have been compiled in Switzerland... since it has more obvious holes than their cheese...

Always been duly amused by how a collection of 3-second sound bites garners more public buy-in than reams of tortuous in-depth investigation that makes mince meat out of the sound bites... Connect enough random dots and you can put Mother Theresa in the window of the 6th floor repository in Dallas in 1963...

However, it certainly explains how the current resident got his lease at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...
...and will probably get that lease renewed...

As Barnum so aptly put it, there's one born every minute... and we seem to have had a population explosion...
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I never believed 911 was an inside job and my cynicism about the government and conspiracies lessened after we invaded Iraq to get the WMDs. When I first heard we invaded because they were sure there were WMDs in Iraq I cynically said WMDs would be found whether or not they were really there. Lo and behold, they never found WMDs.

Planting WMDs would frankly be a lot easier than pulling off the 911 attacks. If the government can't get creative and find WMDs that are not there then they certainly lack the sophistication to pull of something as big as the 911 attacks.
The Irish Civil War, 9/11, the Miracle On Ice, and several other polarizing worldwide events have all been perpetrated by an evil consortium governed by Bernie Ecclestone, Gilbert Gottfried, and a man known only as "The Prince". They have no agenda other than to confuse the hell out of people, and they are not afraid to spill blood to make their point. Be very afraid.
If you want an in depth and very thorough discussion of 911, watch "Loose Change". Hopefully this URL will work. It's on youtube, watch the uncut 2012 version. My work blocks U-tube so I can't copy the direct URL.

Some people will nay say a conspiracy no matter how much proof is presented and some people will always suspect a conspiracy even though there is no evidence to support that idea. Both are close minded hard heads and they cannot be persuaded either way and are totally useless as are tits on a boar hog.

I'm not saying it is or isn't a conspiracy but I do look at both sides of the coin before I make up my mind, make snyde remarks or call people names.
I dont know about you guys but I have to many issues, bills, things I need to take care of that requier time. thus I dont waste time on things like this because weather you find out the truth you cant do shit about it so y waste ur time

Ignorance is bliss......

Edit....I also understand the time constraint and busy life schedules, especially when you are younger. Not meant as a personal dig....:)
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Just saying you can’t do it / keep up with it all (sports, politics, bills, work, relationships, yard, vehicle maintained, exercise, ect)
so then you have to pick which battles are worth not only fighting for but keeping up with.

no worries not offended (im not a woman) lmfao sorry I had to. lol

I gave up sports and most of TV in order to concentrate more on politics.
I avoided politics like the plague until I was 48 when I had enough years on me to see the pattern of abuse by certain ideologues.

This is probably the most interesting/scary time in American History besides the Civil War and the American Revolution so you might want to keep your eyes wide open and your head down.
Damn it John. I thought you gave up sports to concentrate on your sex life. My mistake. :D

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