New Tank Grip


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Update: ordered from tech spec... :)


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Heres what i did this past Saturday after reading this post



I'd recommend getting the tank grip in black because as u can see the plastic bottom haves have dimples which trapped air leaves bubbles no matter how hard and anally you try not to leave any no matter how i tried they were inevitable

the grip helps u hold on incredibly well to were i can stop with one hand holding the handlebars straight with little pressure on the bars, i took this pic as an example as my head is over my windcreen and just using my knees squeezed on the grip to keep me falling on my face (go out and try to do that on your bike as is with no grip you wont be able to do it with easy)
sorry had to pull my pants tight so u can see its all on the knees:eek:

i simply got a piece of paper and pushed it in were the curve is that separates were the metal and plastic come together and cut and jus place on the grip and cut to my liking and as u can see theres the rest to were u can either put on or put in another spot were you would like grip

only downside is it can tend to hurt and rub and leave imprints but thats only if your wearing sum thin dickies for work like i was heres an example after me sitting on in putting lean forward for the pic up top were i was leaning over the windscreen putting a lot of pressure on them

hope this helps :thumbup:

i bought stomp grip universal Sport bike Tank Grip and heres a link to there website were they have a grip specific for the FZ6R but I've never tried it or seen how it fits
Stomp Design Online | YAMAHA


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So, B_Who, you are saying that it hurt, rubbed, and left it like that when riding normally or only when you were "Michael Jackson stunt riding" (the whole crotch thing....sorry, that was cheezy...:p)?


New Member
thanks b_who for that write up- it will help me out a lot, since i bought square sheets and will need to do my own custom measuring and cutting..

i've heard that the round dimple style tank grips like the ones you (and jon kerr) have scuff up leather race suits and/ or leather pants. so, i ordered the black snakeskin pattern one- ie like the one aj posted above in the picture on his red bike. those don't protrude, but i'm guessing they probably don't grip as well as the round dimple style ones tho. but, hopefully it should be enough, as i don't really want to ruin my $300 leathers... <lol>

i'm thinking about using a piece of paper and a pencil to outline the area i want to apply and then place the pad on top of the paper and just cut around the traces.

do u think that will work?
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New Member
So, B_Who, you are saying that it hurt, rubbed, and left it like that when riding normally or only when you were "Michael Jackson stunt riding" (the whole crotch thing....sorry, that was cheezy...:p)?

hahaha yeaa i took the pic and then after uploading it i was like wow i look a lot of creepy there lol. But no that was with extreme pressure, normal riding it felt fine with just a little bit of redness, even with the work pants it didn't bug really at all even when applied a lot of pressure while riding.
the grip does help a whole lot...whenever i move on to anther bike the tank grip is going on ASAP
but with actual riding gear it didn't hurt at all sense riding pants are more protective and thicker

its like night and day less arm pump, i could use my core more to support me its a must for my preferences specially because i tend to slide forward on the bike, was just a better feel on the bike because i was more stable and i could be more relaxed on the bars even while stopping hard.
just a great experience all around.

the only thing i would do different is buy the grip in black because of the air bubbles forming and being visible and an eye sore to me


New Member
right on... jon kerr said the same thing about the clear color having bubbles too... one of the guys i rode with on sunday showed me the inner knees of his alpine stars suit, and he told me the pad scuffed it all up. it didn't look -that- bad, but u could clearly see wherever his inner knees & thighs contacted the stomp pad there was some scuffing and color loss.

i did order the black ones, and tech spec said they shipped it today. so hopefully i'll get it by the end of this week. if i don't go snowboarding this sunday, then i'll take a crack at getting them applied. can't wait to see how these feel in the canyons. :)

thanks again for sharing the pix & info...


New Member
thanks b_who for that write up- it will help me out a lot, since i bought square sheets and will need to do my own custom measuring and cutting..

i've heard that the round dimple style tank grips like the ones you (and jon kerr) have scuff up leather race suits and/ or leather pants. so, i ordered the black snakeskin pattern one- ie like the one aj posted above in the picture on his red bike. those don't protrude, but i'm guessing they probably don't grip as well as the round dimple style ones tho. but, hopefully it should be enough, as i don't really want to ruin my $300 leathers... <lol>

i'm thinking about using a piece of paper and a pencil to outline the area i want to apply and then place the pad on top of the paper and just cut around the traces.

do u think that will work?
yea thats exactly what i did and i found out sense the other side of the bike is the exact same u can us the same piece of paper u cut out for the other side by just using the cut out on say the grip side and for the other side place the paper on the tape side and cut so they will be identical shape but the grip facing left side on one cut and the grip side of the other face right on the other piece you cut (kind of hard for me to explain its simple but not so simple to explain lol)


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i found a picture on tech spec usa's web site that shows someone who did a custom cut of the snakeskin on the plastic part below the tank on an R1... it's not exactly spot on, but a good reference i think...


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ah, found it... Stompgrip Traction Pads - Yamaha FZ6R - 2009 to 2010

did you get the clear of the black? i'm thinking that i'll have to cut it to fit the plastic area regardless, as most tank grips all seem to fit above that spot- ie on the painted area of the tank. :(
yea that was my thinking, so i got their universal ones to just cut and put on the lower part sense thats were my knees rub and they only had clear at the dealership so i just bought them. id go with black because of the dimples on the plastic part leave air bubbles and no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get them out


New Member
i found a picture on tech spec usa's web site that shows someone who did a custom cut of the snakeskin on the plastic part below the tank on an R1... it's not exactly spot on, but a good reference i think...

yea i found that pic after the thread got me interested in getting a tank grip, that pic is what made me go buy the universal tank grip


New Member
I got TechSpec-usa Motorcycle Gripster Tank Grips to make me custom sheet of 7.5" x 16" (Snake Skin pattern) and I cut out a piece to cover our plastic area under the tank. Used a piece of legal paper + regular paper taped together to make a trace out pattern. Then used it to trace and do the cutout. And, i just used some sand paper I had lying around to smooth out the edges. It's hard to get the cutout perfect. But, I think once its applied and on the bike, the minor imperfections are not as noticeable.

After I got everything cut out and ready to apply, I realized that I shouldn't have left room for the little trim area on the plastic part, and I should've just covered the entire piece. But, oh well- hind sight is always 20/20. A lotta times it's hard to know if something is going to look good or bad until you get to that point. Still, this doesn't look bad to me by any means though... But, lesson learned. I'm for sure going to cover the entire piece to the edge on my next bike, because I think it will look even better that way. But, the way I have it now, it has a 3-D effect... Hahahaha. Oh well..

Pix below...
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New Member
Pix continued...

I cleaned the application area with a wet wipe, and heated it up the area slightly with a hair dryer. Then I applied the pad starting from the top by pealing away just the top portion, lined up the pad to where i liked it, and then pushed down- gently applying pressure top to down to get the air out and pulling away at the wax paper as I went. The pad is rubber, so for areas where it didn't line up perfectly, there is still some flexibility in the material to forcibly pull & stretch it just a bit. Once done, I then went over the entire piece with a hair dryer again to help make it stick. Now I'm just letting it sit for 12 hours- well more like several days, since it's dumping rain in Los Angeles, and I can't ride :(

Hope these pictures help.
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New Member
Looks good, Detrich. Very understated, but matches the pattern well, and should be totally functional with that positioning. This will be the route I take with the wife's 6R. Thanks for the pics!


New Member
So how are you likeing the new pads detrich if u managed to get a chance to go riding sense last weeks weathers was nuthing but rain rain rain and more rain haha

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there's definitely a noticeable difference- esp going downhill... i actually made 2 canyon runs when it didn't rain- friday by myself and saturday with 2 friends. we did azusa and gmr. but, there were hella lotta cars with teenagers on the back side of gmr, which sucked... plus, there was dirt everywhere.

i'm working on adjusting my footpeg position- ie trying to move more onto the balls of my feet rather than sitting on the arch. and, the grips make squeezing the tank easier... i'm still finding that downhill is a lot more challenging than uphill..

but, on the way up on azusa, i even surprised myself. because if it weren't for all the damn cars, i almost came closer to being able to keep up with one of my faster friends... well, almost sorta... :) gmr, however, was a totally different story, as that road still kicks my ass... :( there is still no way i can go faster than 35 on those blind turns on the way down. i'm just going to keep going up there until i get the hang of it.

i'm realizing that familiarity with the road is like 1/2 the battle. repetition helps with speed quite a bit, because memorizing the apex of the turns reduces the anxiety of the blind turns...


New Member
np... thanks for suggesting the brand too... :)

maybe if enough ppl here likes this specific pattern and mention it to tech spec, they might even get a hint and start making a a grip based on that shape? well, here's to hoping... a factory cut one would have perfectly smooth edges etc. and just kick arse.

Looks good, Detrich. Very understated, but matches the pattern well, and should be totally functional with that positioning. This will be the route I take with the wife's 6R. Thanks for the pics!


New Member
Just ordered some blanks myself detrich, gotta cover up my mistake LOL


New Member
there's definitely a noticeable difference- esp going downhill... i actually made 2 canyon runs when it didn't rain- friday by myself and saturday with 2 friends. we did azusa and gmr. but, there were hella lotta cars with teenagers on the back side of gmr, which sucked... plus, there was dirt everywhere.

i'm working on adjusting my footpeg position- ie trying to move more onto the balls of my feet rather than sitting on the arch. and, the grips make squeezing the tank easier... i'm still finding that downhill is a lot more challenging than uphill..

but, on the way up on azusa, i even surprised myself. because if it weren't for all the damn cars, i almost came closer to being able to keep up with one of my faster friends... well, almost sorta... :) gmr, however, was a totally different story, as that road still kicks my ass... :( there is still no way i can go faster than 35 on those blind turns on the way down. i'm just going to keep going up there until i get the hang of it.

i'm realizing that familiarity with the road is like 1/2 the battle. repetition helps with speed quite a bit, because memorizing the apex of the turns reduces the anxiety of the blind turns...

helps a whole lot when i go down hill or stop i think the best thing of having them to me is i don't slide down my seat now that i'm more accustomed to squeezing my legs and for the money was a VERY good mod
damn i wanna go ride GMR so bad its about 45minutes from my house in San Bernadino

wont mind if u send me an ivite to go up there :D haha
sounds like there are a bunch of blind turns


New Member
i think killer banana wanted to organize an fz6r group ride one of these days- possibly up azusa & gmr when the weather gets better... san bern is kinda far, but if you're up for it you should come out. :)

wont mind if u send me an ivite to go up there :D haha
sounds like there are a bunch of blind turns


New Member
i think killer banana wanted to organize an fz6r group ride one of these days- possibly up azusa & gmr when the weather gets better... san bern is kinda far, but if you're up for it you should come out. :)

oh yea i'm up to it im kind of in between GMR and ortega highway so its not far out of my comfort zone for a good canyon run
