New rider, new bike, new member


New Member
Since I've been following this site for a little over week, I figured I introduce myself. My name is Dave from West Virginia and as the title says, I'm new to all of this. I'm 34 years old and I have never been on a bike before in my life until earlier this month when I took and passed the MSF class. I've been wanting to learn for years on how to ride and I guess maybe this is my "mid-life crisis" but I finally got the time, money, and nuts to get around to doing it.......And I'm happy as hell that i did!!

Long stroy short, I ended up going down to the local bike dealership on July 16th and bought me a 2011 FZ6R. I see a number of people here have the same Reddish/Copper one as I do. I honestly had no clue on what kind of bike I should get. I was looking at some Honda CBR250's cause I wanted to start off slow, but they just seemed to be too small for me (I'm 6'1 260). The larger 1000cc bikes were just way too much for my very limited skill level. The dealer ended up point this bike out and it just felt perfect from the minute I sat on her and I've been riding it almost every day since. Again, I don't know much about bikes so it didn't take long before I jumped online and quickly came accross your Forum here. You guys have been very helpful with all the information you got here so I just wanted to say thanks.

I'm sure I'll be in and out of here often.
Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your new bike. You'll find that everyone here is very friendly and very helpful.
Welcome, we share the same bike (the new copper 2011), and as a female and being 6'0 myself the bike is perfect for me too! Congrats on the new bike, glad you love it! Enjoy the ride
Welcome to the site, thats bikes hella fun on our WV roads!
Wooster,,welcome to the site from Canada. I have had many bikes in my past and for a long while got out of it completely (15 years). So last year I bought a new 2009 FZ6R and enjoy it greatly. Ride safe and remember (ATGATT)..All The Gear All The Time.:thumbup:

Welcome to the site and hope you enjoy the new bike.
I am large at 6'4 290 and found that when I was looking I sat on the bike also and it just "fit". It is an awesome bike and I have not second guessed my decision on it even once! (Same as you, 34 yrs old and never was on one until I took msf this spring.)

Same here just 186 lbs. and 25 yrs. old. :)

It fit like a glove. (Better than my Alpinestars!)

I'm sure you'll like the bike-- it gets even more enjoyable as you break it in! Smooth shifting, smooooth sailin.
Enjoy, and welcome to our community! Some very helpful and knowledgeable people on here.
