New Rider!!!! EXCITED


New Member
Hey guys and gals!
I just made the decision (after taking the MSF) to get a bike. Needless to say, I fell in love with the 2012 FZ6R and found a shop with a decent price. Now is where I need some help, I got my financing taken care of, but the dealer wants 7789 OTD...Should I take this or should I try to negotiate? Also, if you have any tips for a new rider I would love the input.

PS. If you live in Orange County area (California) please let me know, I'd love to meet a fellow rider and really learn the ropes!

Thanks so much!!!!
Hey guys and gals!
I just made the decision (after taking the MSF) to get a bike. Needless to say, I fell in love with the 2012 FZ6R and found a shop with a decent price. Now is where I need some help, I got my financing taken care of, but the dealer wants 7789 OTD...Should I take this or should I try to negotiate? Also, if you have any tips for a new rider I would love the input.

PS. If you live in Orange County area (California) please let me know, I'd love to meet a fellow rider and really learn the ropes!

Thanks so much!!!!
Welcome! I say go for it, especially considering oc is probably more pricey that seems like a decent deal otd, I live not too far from la habra
Great to know! Thanks for the advice! I work in Yorba Linda and will be riding my bike some days to work. Let me know if you ever want to get together and go for a ride!
That's a good deal for SoCal. Inventories on this bike are fairly low right now in most places I've looked. Is this at OC Yamaha in San Juan Capistrano? Very good dealer and always competitive. One of the things I've liked about talking to them is that they know where the market is and don't seem to care to jerk you around. They're a pretty good volume dealer and they'd rather move bikes and other products than waste time.

If/when I buy one, it's likely to be from them. My local dealer sucks and they offered to pick me up at the Metrolink station if I head down by train to pick it up.

Almost got their last copper 2011 a few months ago, but timing was bad.

Theres a copper 2011 at Champion where I am getting mine...Come grab it haha, lets get a sweet deal! I could even pick you up lol
Now I feel like I got had... My OTD was 10 even... Was it LA county? Damn. This is actually rather upsetting.

Anyway, I live in Long Beach area so let me know if you want to go for a ride.
Welcome to the forum... and you're making a great choice for a first bike (or 2nd or 3rd...).
LA Area dealers suck, especially south of the Valley, where you've got DelAmo/Long Beach (owned by the same guy and pure scum) plus the dealer down near the harbor who always seems to have little inventory. The Valley/Ventura is a bit better but not by much.

OC and North County have a few decent dealers who aren't complete rip-offs and are all reasonably competitive.

Last car I bought was in Ventura. Motorcycle likely to be in OC. LA County sucks when it comes to dealerships of all kinds.

I wish I would've known that before. I could've easily made the extra 20 minute trip to an OC dealer. Instead I went with the closest dealer to me. Pacific Motorsports. Del Amo didn't even have an FZ6R at the time...
We really need a SoCal meet up.

Sent from my one and only iPhone using Tapatalk

Welcome James, you won't be disappointed. How about a socal/norcal meet up? Someplace in the middle?
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Enjoy life, ride a bike. Congratulations on your choice. It feels great to get a new bike. The intense focus feeling when first learning also feels great. Stay cool.

Safety tips :
Don't ride faster than you are comfortable with, at all times.
If in doubt, slow down and don't change lanes please.
Always headcheck before changing lanes.

Be careful and make sure its clear when doing a tight U-turn, because if you have to use the front brakes suddenly then, it'll want to drop.
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