My Coffee Is Mud Coffee


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i like the way you make coffee. my wife *****es as I go through a bag in 5 days. after its brewed I pour it back into the filter and the wet grounds and let it filter down through again.

try it, it really helps with the flavor and the strength of the coffee. love the italian roast. also love their sumatran which is also a very strong blen. slightly less acidic but still very good.
You want strong coffee, go to Sweden. I had a cup there a couple years ago that went through me like hydrochloric acid. Tasted great!
we were in the Dominican over ThanksGiving. i drank a triple espresso with breakfast everyday i was there. and sometimes a single at the bar in the eve.
COFFEE.... My fuel.... Ever since I got a kurg I've been drinking coffee like crazy.... It's so easy and quick to make....

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I gave it up when I started eating healthy and working out. I drink water 99% of the time now.

I mainly gave it up because I drink sugar w coffee not coffee w sugar if u get my drift.

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Lol... I only drink water and coffee.... And every once in a great while a rockstar.... But I drink coffee black.... And no sugar.... Just black and bitter.....

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