Moving out to Upstate NY, how goes it?


New Member
Hello fellow Forum members! I will be moving out to Rochester, NY and am curious what the riding scene looks like out there? I have lived in MN my whole life, and decided it's time for a change :) Upstate NY is a beautiful area, and I am curious where you guys from that part of the country ride. I would like to get together/meet up with people if they are willing ;)

So what's the good word in upstate? :thumbup:
hey congrats! i live in the city and i take a ride to rochester once a month and the ride once i get there is amazing. there is a place called catskills NY its has some amazing twisties...if not careful you can ride right off the cliff like i almost did..... :)
Dean your going to be missed :( But im proud of you for taking the opportunity for yourself!
Been moved out here for about a month now...still have not found any other FZ6R owners/members on the forum from here (none that have responded at least). Just looking for a group to ride with! So......bump for responses from Rochester/upstate 6R owners :D
Alright Sparkxx, is that about a 6 hour drive between us? I don't know the area very well, so do you have an idea of where to go? Maybe meet up in the middle somewhere on a weekend? PM if you're interested ;)
That's cool. Lemme know how the case goes, I am thinking about getting one myself! Pictures will be great too :D
Hey, I'm in upstate NY, but the Albany area. Not too far from me and the riding as you go north is awesome as far as scenery and roads go and there are things to do at some of the villages near the lakes.
Nice, that is much closer than NYC! Do you ride closer to Rochester at all? Possibly like half way between?
Right over the George Washington Bridge here, in NJ. I'd be down for a meetup, perhaps not this weekend but next?

Hit me up bud!
Right over the George Washington Bridge here, in NJ. I'd be down for a meetup, perhaps not this weekend but next?

Hit me up bud!

Next weekend will not work well for me, since I will be in Minnesota for my sister's wedding that Saturday. The weekend after that might work for me though! I will let you know how my plans look and PM you. :thumbup:
Nice, that is much closer than NYC! Do you ride closer to Rochester at all? Possibly like half way between?

Unfortunately I do not, I barely have the time to go on long rides. I am usually just zipping around my area, but if I have the time I go north. If you ever come out this way let me know and I'll take you up through some nice twistys with some awesome scenery.

Use to live and go to HS in Fort Lee. I'm one town over now in Cliffside Park. Down to meet up whenever!
