Might have a New Bike.....


New Member
Came across a little deal that I'm having a VERY difficult time passing up...

A 2007 Ducati 1098 with 3200km on it....
Never dropped, never raced, excellent condition...

For around half (about $5K) of what she should probably be selling it for - got it as part of her divorce settlement and now wants to stick it to her ex by selling it, 'cause she can't ride it (no license) and doesn't have a place to store it. And you can't ride a bike in the winter in Ontario (Canada, not Cali).

Insurance would be insane - around $2500-$3000, so I'd store it for a year until my insurance rate drops a bit (another year riding, another year older bike).

Decisions, Decisions... ack! I've got the money, so that makes it harder to pass up!

Anyone else have a suggestion?
If I had the cash and knew it would not leave me strapped I would jump all over that. Then if you don't want to keep it for some reason sell it back the her husband :eek:
Hmm, sounds like a good deal. Divorces suck to go through...but they make for a great opportunity to get nice stuff for cheap (houses, property, vehicles, etc.)
I like the idea of selling it back to her husband. You could be a nice guy and just sell it back the same as what you paid.....NAH!:D
I agree with the others, if you have the cash you have second thoughts you can sell it for more and make some more for aftermarkets on 6R ;)
I would buy it and resell it if I had the cash.. I would have no need for a bike like that though since I am a commuter..
Well, ends up it was a scam...
Thought it was too good to be true, and of course, it was... Oh well, no big deal - I'm just glad I caught it before sending any money etc.
Been reported to the proper authorities.

Take care!

Good save!
