Knee down?


New Member
Has anyone gotten a knee down on there bike? I just got full leathers about a month ago and i was out this last saturday and finally got my knee down. Had to stop and get off to check the puck just to make sure. But holy crap was i stoked. i was making a left hander that was posted as 15 mph... speedo said 65 but its 10mph off... so 55 was the speed. Going to my first track day in february. Buttonwillow if anyone cared.


New Member
Don't even want to go there on the street. On a track maybe...I am sure it would take some practice but it would be a blast...maybe someday, LOL. Congrats to you! Just shows what this little bike will do in the right hands.


New Member
ive have been looking for pics of a knee down on the fz6r also... couldnt find any either but jonkerr has it pretty close... i think he might have. I will try and get some footage sometime soon with a buddy trailing, its just going to rain the next 5 to 6 days here so i will just be cruising around in the rain suit. I only got it down once so hopefully i can do it again around that same turn.


New Member
Nice. You're in San Luis Obispo?


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New Member
I just got full leathers about a month ago and i was out this last saturday and finally got my knee down. Had to stop and get off to check the puck just to make sure. But holy crap was i stoked.

You'll never forget your first time, and congrats!

Now that you've gotten that one out of the way, remember, don't ride with the intent of getting your knee down, it's simply a bi-product of proper body position and riding technique in certain situations.

Your track day will be an eye-opener if you've never done one before, and you'll leave a better rider for it. You can also practice getting a knee down in a big parking lot - you don't have to be flying to touch a puck down - it all depends on how sharp the curve is... Figure eights are good for scuffing up both pucks equally.

I also recommend Lee Park's book Total Control for proper technique and body positioning - all explained in a way even I could understand.

Welcome to the madness!
