Keep forgetting my password...

I use the same password for all forums, email, and work logins. If I forget that, not getting in to this forum is the least of my worries.
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Make your password really easy to remember, stay logged in, or write it down and put it near your computer. Not that difficult bro, and if some one finds it WHO CARES? It's not like your life will be ruined if someone gets your forum password. Delete the acct. and make a new one.
I googled 'forget' and about 6 down I saw

forget-me-not panties : with sensatech technology - CachedYou +1'd this publicly. Undo
forget-me-not panties will help protect the women in your life! These panties will monitor the location of your daughter, wife or girlfriend 24 hours a day!


Ah shit, my secrets out now..........:D
I have to remember a multitude of logins and passwords, and they must be compliant with all kinds of security regs.

I like the "pass phrase" concept the best . . .

so like "I love my FZ6R" becomes "IlmFZ6R" and you just say the words to yourself as you type the first letter.

Or, "tfdmcin2011" is remembered easily because This Forum Drives Me Crazy in 2011.

Thanks Marthy... :surrender:

Make your password really easy to remember, stay logged in, or write it down and put it near your computer. Not that difficult bro, and if some one finds it WHO CARES? It's not like your life will be ruined if someone gets your forum password. Delete the acct. and make a new one.

The problem is that I always change the password and write it down next to my home computer... but when I get to work I always forget what it was so I have to reset again it using my phone. Not that worried about it, although maybe that's the problem... If I were more worried about it, I would put more effort into remembering it! I'm just annoyed at myself, is all. I have high expectations of me! :spank:
