Just got scammed on Craig's List

We have thieves and crooks everywhere. It is better to spend a couple of hundred dollars more and buy it from a genuine place rather than CL.
In any case, when you buy anything "USED", always open the package, operate it to ensure it is in good working condition. Never ever take a stranger for granted.
Lessons learnt with experience.
It was suppose to be new SEALED and it was sealed. that's why I didn't bother to check it. Lesson learned. Thanks all for your support and advice.
Do you think I should take the receipt to my local target and explain to them the situation and see if they can get more info from the receipt. I don't want to look stupid or have them think i'm pulling a scam on them.

We have thieves and crooks everywhere. It is better to spend a couple of hundred dollars more and buy it from a genuine place rather than CL.
In any case, when you buy anything "USED", always open the package, operate it to ensure it is in good working condition. Never ever take a stranger for granted.
Lessons learnt with experience.
It was suppose to be new SEALED and it was sealed. that's why I didn't bother to check it. Lesson learned. Thanks all for your support and advice.
Do you think I should take the receipt to my local target and explain to them the situation and see if they can get more info from the receipt. I don't want to look stupid or have them think i'm pulling a scam on them.

it depends on the AP team, but i would definitely try. make it clear you dont expect target to reimburse you, you would just like to know if any helpful info can be pulled from the transaction that could be forwarded to detectives, i.e. credit card info/face shots/vehicle info. this may even be a great lead for them. it is a common scam at target, buy ipod, remove ipod, replace with erasers, reseal, return... happens all the time...
I got ripped off like this at best buy

I bought the Leopard upgrade immediately when it came out from Best Buy. I got home, grabbed my Macbook, unwrapped the disk box and there was a blank audio CD disk in it.

I called Best Buy upset, went back to the store and they gave me another one. They had no explanation, because they did not know were the switch happened.

Sorry for your lost:mad:

p.s. My incident happened at the Best Buy in Beltsville, MD, 10 minutes from where you guys met at Ikea.
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I was looking to buy an iPad 2. Saw an ad in CL for a brand new sealed one for $420. Talk to guy down to $400. We meet up after I got off work. Exchanged cash for iPad 2 which is sealed and he even gave me a gift receipt from Target (You probably know how the story ends). Got home, ate dinner and was excited to play with it and relaxing after a long day of work. Cleaned my hands, grab the box and removed the plastic wrap carefully and open the box...Mo@#$@#$#F1@#!$@#%@ a freaking book and cotton ball paddings. I've been scammed!!!!

Immediately I picked up my phone and called, no answer, I text him and he replied. He basically called me a liar and said "run that shit on someone else" and it's on me. He then told me I take it back to target with the gift receipt...like I would make a fool of myself and commit fraud like that returning a book claiming to be an ipad2.

Please advice on what I can do about this. I have his cell phone number but no name.

I want to get this son of the @#$#@$#@5.


Update: 9/16/2011 9:35am.
Called Montgomery police department last night and was told I had to file it with another police department where the incident took place (IKEA in College Park)

Called PG county police department to file a report, police officer called me back about 15mins later and the conversation lasted only about a minute. I told her the story. She basically told me it's my loss and she will not be filing a police report. There was not traceable payment methods used. It's CL, all most everyone pay in cash and meet in person. I guess they'll dismiss all frauds unless you pay with a credit card or check. I'm getting a little frustrated with this.

I don't know what the rules on the board are - but.. Post his number :)
I called the local police department and they are sending an officer to my place to take down a police report.
$400 is not a big loss but would love to stop him from doing to to someone else.

Police officer stopped by but unfortunately she did not write a report because the transaction took place in PG county and not Montgomery county.
I will contact PG county police tomorrow.

Let me tell you where you went wrong... :D
You know what? Thanks for the hint, there is a serial number on the original box. maybe I can call Apple to see who owns it and go from there. I don't know how cooperative Apple is with things like this.

When I look up the serial number at the Apple website, I get this message "We're sorry, but this is a serial number for a product that has been replaced. Please check your information and re-enter your serial number. If your information is correct, you may need to contact us."

What does that mean?

I was thinking that.. But given the receipt (if it's really a gift receipt for an iPad), maybe somehow you can get the iPad serial number from it.. And then figure out where the actual iPad is (Apple probably knows :). If the guy has it, he's busted. If someone else has it, maybe the guy sold it to them..

Of course, maybe the guy just bought the box off ebay - there are a bunch of those there too (16 apparently).

I'd start with Target and see what the receipt is all about.
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Ok- Just so everyone can put there mind at rest..

You did a "cash" "trade" - You handed someone cash for something they handed you

This isnt a store transaction.. There isn't any LAW he broke sadly..

Civil law is different.. A group of your peers has to decide he did you wrong and you deserve to be paid.. However.. There has to be enough evidence to convince 12 individuals that these events in fact occured the way you said them

And one NAZI.. with a Gavel.. Making sure everything that is said.. is by the book..

What im trying to say is.. You can't just convince 12 people or however many it is.. and its good.. If thats all it took you would be on your way.. The evidence has to be sufficent enough for the judge to APROVE the jourey to take it in account..

You got a package.. "unopened" that you paid for.. with cash- The dickhole does have a stupid defense.. but a defense none the less.. He could say a mess of things.. It was gifted to him - with receipt- all kinds of dumb ass shit.... Wrap or no Wrap... The cops aren't going to do anything. there is too many variables.. and bottom line.. No trace of money.



This woudln't stop me from forgetting about it.. I'm not going to say anything or tell you what you could or should do. ;)

But you do have his number.. And you do have access to internet.. And you COULd get some humor/relief out of it..

You COULD msg someone like me.. and I could have a dialogue with you about how we COULd have some fun
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Sounds like it was a warranty/defective issue, so he may have sent just the ipad back (kept the box) received a new ipad and then decided to use the box to perhaps, "have some fun" with someone elses (your) money.

Not that this is the same, but about 7 years ago my so called best friend that I was living with stole everything I owned, from my clothes, to my electronics, to my DVDs, to even all my bathroom stuff. This is a person I trusted with my life. I went on a weekend trip with my boyfriend at the time, and when I returned home EVERYTHING I owned was gone. But yet all of her stuff was still there. How strange! Some of our stuff was even mixed in with one anothers and my stuff was "picked thru"...basically couldn't have POSSIBLY been anyone else. I knew immediately what she had done and all I had left to my name was what was in my bag from that weekend. So basically, NOTHING. The cops did absolutely nothing because of how I had no "Proof". Even though it was SO obvious! ...more to the story, but you understand the just...... It's unfortunate, but it's how it goes.

I'm SO SO SO SO sorry that this happened to you!! People are just out for themselves these days, so unfortunately this does not surprise me. You always want to trust people, and then someone does some stupid SH*T like this, and you're back to square one of people having to EARN your trust. People are shady. Just trying to make a buck. Instead of going out and making a good life for themselves and their family, they prefer to sit at home with their hand out waiting for someone to just take care of them and give them money. Ya know, the people who work hard to make an honest living but should pay higher taxes because OMG, they make too much money!! BS! Ok, sorry, I won't get into that. These types of people sit at home drinking their beer, smoking a cigarette waiting, like I said, for their free healthcare, free car, free house, and all the new cool stuff that's out, thinking they deserve it because someone back in the day did them wrong! :rant:

Wow, was that just a rant or what!? Sorry. I just have extremely strong feelings about this sort of thing since being ripped a new one from someone I thought would be in my life forever.

As far as getting the ipad or your money back.... don't count on it, sadly. People just don't seem to care that much anymore unless it's to help themselves, so helping you is in the back of their heads. However! If you do have friends willing to help and go out of their way to get this jackbag, then rock on buddy! Get him and put him in his place!!! F -THAT dude! I'd help if I were closer!!
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Stay away from craigslist...ALWAYS open packaging before handing over money, better off to be seen as rude than to get screwed(haha, that rhymes). Honestly,and I'm not saying this is ok or you should do it...but if it was me, the guy woruld be recovering with smashed knee-caps right now I dare say...In most states, recording a phone call is legal as long as at least one person involved in the call is aware of the recording (you, in this case). May not work but I'd try to get him on tape admitting what he's done. So, has your faith in people been shaken? Sad to say but it's probably a good thing if so...good luck, man.
On the box you have all the serial numbers and stuff you can report it stolen and there is also a way apple can track it
I did call Apple with the serial number on the box. The s/n turns out to have been replaced with another iPad by Apple so the s/n is no longer valid. Meaning he sold me the iPad that should not have existed in the first place. Maybe I can use this info in court once I gather enough proof.

On the box you have all the serial numbers and stuff you can report it stolen and there is also a way apple can track it
