
Looks like a good mouse...glad to see it's wired. I have too much RF where I live to be able to use a wireless mouse reliably for gaming. I broke down and got a wireless keyboard (but used a USB extension to move the receiver closer to the keyboard) because I like how it feels. I like laptop style keys with a short press, and it's hard to find a good one that I like. Tried expensive mechanical keyboard but they are loud and not responsive to light key presses. First world problems, eh?
4 suggestions

The SSD drive should be at least 250GB....between the O/S and applications, you will soon run out of space. Even if you are loading the apps on the spinner, you will wish you had a lot more space very soon.

The Seagate might last a year. Go Western Digital.

The nVidia cards last a lot longer. I burned up a few Radeon cards gaming but the GeForce ones keep going without a glitch.

750 watts is not enough. A Corsair will not go down and fry your motherboard.
Newegg.com - CORSAIR Enthusiast Series CMPSU-850TX 850W ATX12V v2.2 / EPS12V v2.91 SLI Certified CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply

I've been building systems since 1980...there are a few things that are the same and have never changed.
To size a power supply for real time applications, take the maximum power requirements for the PC and multiply by 1.5. That is the minimum power you need to supply.

When a PC starts, all the devices come on and initialize at once. So you need to get the start up power on the devices, not the idle power, and add them up.
Manufacturers like to "cheat green" so make sure you use the highest rating of power usage for each device. The video card is a real power hungry monster BTW.
The RAM upgrade and PSU were both overkill, that was honestly a bit wasted money. The max PSU you would need would have been the 750, and thats still about 200watts overkill(thats fine). And the RAM speed you really wont notice at all, anything past 1600 is more or less a waste for the average person. Unless your doing server stuff you might wanna change it if you can. Just save yourself the money.
The max PSU you would need would have been the 750, and thats still about 200watts overkill(thats fine).

So you estimate the total power draw to be 550 watts? Or do you estimate it to be about 370 watts total startup power draw with a 1.5 allowance?
Then a conservative power supply requirement based on a reasonable estimate would be 1.5 times the requirement of 550 which is 825 watts.
That bars any upgrades or additions to the system as well.
Am I missing your math? Or do you actually think the listed out power of a power supply to be adequate and the power draw of the system to be 370 watts?

Just asking...
So you estimate the total power draw to be 550 watts? Or do you estimate it to be about 370 watts total startup power draw with a 1.5 allowance?
Then a conservative power supply requirement based on a reasonable estimate would be 1.5 times the requirement of 550 which is 825 watts.
That bars any upgrades or additions to the system as well.
Am I missing your math? Or do you actually think the listed out power of a power supply to be adequate and the power draw of the system to be 370 watts?

Just asking...

I used this, and many people do. Works very well and is quite accurate, I even added 40% capacitator aging(average is 30% over 5 years).
eXtreme Power Supply Calculator
I added 3 total optical drives, 10usb plug ins, 1 ide card, 2 HDDS, 1 SSD, 4 120mm fans, 1 80mm, fan controller, card reader, high end desktop, etc etc. Only thing I didnt do is overclock the CPU, and thats where the extra 200 would be handy.
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well in response to the ram speed. I have in fact locked up a 12 core cpu with 16BG of ram before multiple times for my intense models I do stuff like that once or twice a year but when I work on those big projects having the max performance is key. having a PC that locks up every 2 minutes gets to be unbearable.
I made an excel spreadsheet with my max watts per man specs and found I was closer to 850W peak performance if everything peaked. I just went thru your power supply calculator link and it also came up with a recommended 844W power supply recommendation. if I ever want to add anything in the future I will be limited with a 900W so I went with a 1000W why not? same with ram why risk it then need it then another whole expense instead of an extra $10 or $20 now!. GO BIG OR GO HOME BABY lol
Thanks for the link!

Okay fair enough. I still reccomend the 330 SSD, and would go with coolermaster over cougar for PSU. And still say replace the seagate HDD with WD Caviar Black.
So stocked! check it out!

Is your case above ground in the last image coz it looks like its floating and if so, I like your Desk lol.

I looked at your build and assume that it is not a rig for gaming more for software like photoshop that can use multiple cores and excess of RAM
