Is this anyone here


New Member
close call
If it is someone here and you already posted it, consider it a free bump :)
good reaction skills, that would have sucked. I havent seen it on the forum so idk, I doubt its been posted. Idk why not
As a heads up, he was in the right lane accelerating while the pickup in the left lane slowed down...good reaction skills however.

You need to always slow down on these kinds of streets in case a car on the opposite side of the street makes a left turn in front of you and you slam into them. I believe one of my motorcycle books said this was one of the most popular motorcycle accidents..
Didn't anyone notice that his bike runs like $hit, seems like the exhaust mod was not accompanied by a fuel mod. Anyway he recovered from a situation he created:spank:
The biker is an ass and deserves no credit whatsoever for any skills or for a nice recovery. When traffic slows down, there usually is a reason for it and he is clueless to his surroundings. He's accelerating while passing the pickup which, because of the bend in the road, is blocking his view of the road ahead. The pickup driver sees the crosswalk and the pedestrians (the biker doesn't) and slows down, even though he would pass behind them anyway, which gives the stupid biker room to maneuver and avoid the crash, which he finally is aware of at the last second.

I give that pickup driver credit for saving a life here.
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You need to always slow down on these kinds of streets in case a car on the opposite side of the street makes a left turn in front of you and you slam into them. I believe one of my motorcycle books said this was one of the most popular motorcycle accidents..
Exactly. The bend in the road combined with the position of the bike and pickup. The pickup blocks your view of all lanes of the road ahead. You can't see the left-turning car and he can't see you. In the collision you get the worst of it.
The biker is an ass and deserves no credit whatsoever for any skills or for a nice recovery. When traffic slows down, there usually is a reason for it and he is clueless to his surroundings. He's accelerating while passing the pickup which, because of the bend in the road, is blocking his view of the road ahead. The pickup driver sees the crosswalk and the pedestrians (the biker doesn't) and slows down, even though he would pass behind them anyway, which gives the stupid biker room to maneuver and avoid the crash, which he finally is aware of at the last second.

I give that pickup driver credit for saving a life here.

Every drive in a big city? Three lanes wide and there are people slowing down for everything. And i can bet almost everyone on here has passed a car on the left. Shit happens he recovered and saved their lives.
Every drive in a big city? Three lanes wide and there are people slowing down for everything. And i can bet almost everyone on here has passed a car on the left. Shit happens he recovered and saved their lives.
Shit happens but you don't have to invite it. Getting away with it doesn't mean it is a smart thing to do. I've Lived in the Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue crappy traffic all my life, don't ride like a wimp, and lived long enough to have been riding for 50 years on every kind of bike there is. I hope you will live long and someday be able to say the same.
extremely poor judgement on the part of the rider. but, lucky save nonetheless...

one of the things they teach in both drivers ed & msf is to utilize the field of vision of OTHER drivers on the road when driving defensively.

that means if another or other vehicles slow down or start stopping for some reason- and you cannot see why- you should also slow the F down and "be ready to stop."

why? well, the other drivers very well may see a threat that is outside your field of vision. and, unless you want to be the one finding out head-on- what that threat is- then drive "defensively."

whenever you are in the rightmost lane on any multi-lane road and there are vehicles to your left- obstructing your view- it's defensive driving 101 to not just gun it past them. i've personally seen head-on collisions of cars hitting cross traffic at intersections because of this. and, for the measly 10 seconds they save gunning by, they will spend countless hours dealing with the aftermath. well worth it, eh? :insert sarcasm here:

please ride safely everyone. :)
While there was rider "fault" in this, those pedestrians were not at a crossing (that I could tell)'s as much fault theirs as it was the rider. However, any accident involving a pedestrian is driver/rider fault 99% of the time. Clearly that truck was looking ahead and thankfully nothing worse happened for all parties involved.
While there was rider "fault" in this, those pedestrians were not at a crossing (that I could tell)'s as much fault theirs as it was the rider. However, any accident involving a pedestrian is driver/rider fault 99% of the time. Clearly that truck was looking ahead and thankfully nothing worse happened for all parties involved.
In the laws of many citys, every street corner is considered a pedestrian crosswalk....marked or not, not just corner to corner, but corner to mid-block intersections also.
if you watch the video closely though, notice the truck in the left lane blocks any view of the pedestrians until he comes through the apex of the turn, which is when he starts to slow down considerably. I give the rider credit. Idc what ya'll say but I think he did a fine job with his surroundings. The driver in the left sure he hit his brakes but how do you know he wasnt going to take a left turn into another company lining the left side of the road. Every time you see a brake light do you come to a stop? Nope. I think your judging much to harsh and should analyze your own reactions much closer before you flat out banter him. Was he squiding out rockin a wheelie at 90 then almost clip someone? no. Enuff said. End rant/
The biker is an ass and deserves no credit whatsoever for any skills or for a nice recovery. When traffic slows down, there usually is a reason for it and he is clueless to his surroundings. He's accelerating while passing the pickup which, because of the bend in the road, is blocking his view of the road ahead. The pickup driver sees the crosswalk and the pedestrians (the biker doesn't) and slows down, even though he would pass behind them anyway, which gives the stupid biker room to maneuver and avoid the crash, which he finally is aware of at the last second.

I give that pickup driver credit for saving a life here.

I agree.... guy on the bike is the cause of the situation, and really, his breaks are good enough to slow him, but he botched that with too much back break, you can hear it chirp.

personally, i wish there were more serious consequences against pedestrians who cross the street irresponsibly cuz it can be the direct cause of some very serious accidents. but, being that "public policy" and "public safety" trumps everything, this is prolly never going to happen in this country... we have to take the bad with the good.

that said, "no accident" is always the desired outcome- regardless of who's at fault.

at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it wasn't your fault or if it was by accident. none of us ever wants to be in the position of hitting a pedestrian. not ever! not to mention all the ambulance chasing lawyers circling like sharks sniffing the first drops of blood in water waiting to exploit the situation to your detriment.
