

New Member
Hey folks,

I've been lurking on the board for a little while, but thought I'd jump in and introduce myself...

I'm 28, married with 2 kids and originally from South Africa. I live in Jupiter, FL now and have been in the US just over a year. I'm currently handling the launch of the US arm of our South African company (internet marketing and software engineering) and primarily look after the technical side of the company, both here and in South Africa.

I passed the MSF BRC at the end of June this year, and picked up my '09 FZ6R near the end of July. I have been riding for a month so far and I'm really enjoying the bike, the riding position, and the smooth power delivery. I hadn't ridden on the road before taking the MSF course, but I did spend many a weekend doing some off-road riding on a beaten up 50, 80 and 125 in my teens.

Florida is just way too hot for ATGATT at the moment, so I haven't been out as much as I would like (I've done just above 400 miles in the last 4 weeks) - hopefully I'll be riding some more as the heat dissipates and things get a little cooler out there - I'm not taking any chances riding without all my gear so the bike just gets washed and polished a lot at the moment ;)

As for hobbies, I'm very much an open source fan and I contribute a lot of programming time to a number of open source projects including Linux, OpenBSD, Python, Twisted and numerous others. I'm also an avid amateur photographer - A Nikon slave if anyone is interested :p

Anyway, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I see a really great community here and hope that I can contribute something nearly as useful as most of you folks do on a daily basis.



Super Moderator
Welcome! ;)


Active Member
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :cheer:

Small world. I have two friends that live in Jupiter FL. Anyway, welcome.


New Member
Great intro man. You will love the bike and the family here... Post some pic's when you can. Welcome aboard.....


New Member
From the crew a salute to you!



New Member
Thanks for the welcome guys, much appreciated!

Here are a couple pics as requested.

The day I got her, all stock:

After removing the decals:

I'll get some more recent pics of the FE, integrated taillight and gel grips when I can.


New Member
Welcome from SOCal! I know the feeling when it feels too hot for ATGATT, it reaches over 100 degrees where I am. But I like my skin and bones more than just sweating it out. I did invest in mesh vented jacket and gloves w/ armor. Best investment yet. Have fun, enjoy the ride and keep your eyes open in the back of your head always!
