Installed a 12 volt power point


New Member
Just finished the install on a 12 volt power point. Good for radar, gps, heated clothes.....


This is a picture of the finished product:


The socket is a Powerlet product from here:
Panel Mount Cigarette Socket - Powerlet Products

I had to cut down the back end of the socket and cut down the jam nut, but that's all behind the panel and you don't see it.
They are sold as waterproof. The location helps too, cause it's under the windshield. This picture shows the cap:


Its fairly easy to install. If I were to do it over again, I'd pull the panel off after I located the center of the hole but before installation.

The location of the hole in the panel is critical. Too low, high, left or right and you run into interference behind the panel.
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What a fantastic idea. I'm a noobie in this so I have a question. Where do the wires connect to? If its not too much trouble can you show a pic with the panel off and the wires exposed? Thanks.
Thanks Rob,
It connects to the screws on the top of the battery. I haven't finished that part yet, but when I do, I'll post a picture. Make sure you put a fuse in the line.
nice positioning.. looks neat. last time i was installing the 12volt point, i had some messy wires near the handle bars (not a good idea):D

Thanks Jay,
I do like a clean installation. It's a bit of a challenge to get it in this area, but I like the results.
Completed the installation

Got to the wiring after dinner today:
0) You have to build your own harness from the white connector back. The kit comes with the mating connector, so you need to buy wire, plastic wire warp, a fuse and round terminal lugs.

1) Ran the wiring along the clutch cable routing

2) Tied off the cable to the fairing

3) Ran the cable along with the electrical harness

4) Ran the unterminated harness into the battery bay

5) Added the fuse block and terminated the leads

6) Finished install, ready to put seat on

7) Testing position for GPS
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Great install!

Didn't want to do the BMW-style connector??
Thanks Pyro! All my accessories have normal cigarette lighter style leads, so that's what I went with. I can switch out in the future fairly easy.
What kind of a mount did you use for your nuvi?
Beauty install

Great job - looks stock!! Very impressed.

I just use the new duracell portable usb chargers for phones and gps... super handy in a tank bag and it's got gobs of power to it.
So I let my excitement get the better of me again. I purchased the 12 volt power socket from the site posted, waited patiently for it to arrive, it arrives without the extended cable to connect to the battery... DOH!!!

I must slow down when making purchases and think before buying...
I've update the "how to" with the required extra bits to build your harness. You can also buy the harness to the battery from Powerlet directly.
Great job!
I love this, is there a limit to how many you can have? Id like to have two for my phone and gps
Pizz, this is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to post. The pics and play by play instructions are great.

Never thought about installing it there. This is where I put mine, one on each side. Figured it was easier to put them there and I wanted easy access from the tank bag where the iPod or phone might be. One on each side, so I have the GPS in one, the phone/ipod in the other. Used the USB ports in them and the water tight cap still fits when they are in there so I can leave them in all the time.


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