Insane motorcyclist


New Member
Idk whether to be impressed with the riding skill or disgusted in the risks hes puting himself and others in :eek: 200mph wheely, starting a fire on the freeway and jumping the bike through it...Omg...

Insane motorcyclist

This guy just has some crazy skill but sweet to watch :)(he drives over the top of a bridge)

Sweet skills
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Wow thats just stupid. He'll be dead in a couple of months.
Ida followed him and said something....just me though...
Wish I lived closer bro!
The fact that the Ghost Rider is doing his thing reminds me that maybe humanity isn't doomed after all. That guy provides the necessary "Tony Montana Effect" that will keep society occupied and distracted while the rest of us can sneak by. He also widens the spectrum of possible personality types, thus allowing for a greater variety to exist.

I'd buy the Ghost Rider a beer, if I could ever catch him.
Let's see, outraged motorcyclists demand suv's be outlawed.... dude you are quite the drama queen huh?

It was in France first of all, and second, skid mark when he finally eats it.

Oh well, waste of decent talent.
The guys been riding for years, I'm surprised he's lived this long. I LOVE watching him ride, love his videos, but doesnt mean I'd ever try anything of the sort. Ill live bicariously through the videos till he kills himself
from myunderstanding he died in 2009 sadly. He is the one who did the 230mph jaunt in germany and lane splitting stopped traffic at 150mph in 2007. From my understanding he didnt die on the bike either! But if you google it you get both awnsers so IDK who to believe?
I wrote a post about people giving sportbike riders a bad name. Case in point. Douchebag. There's a reason why the cops are after him, this was just plain stupid. Sure, you wanna do that on a racetrack or on a closed course, knock yourself out. But in public?

No question why most people hate sportbike riders. NO respect for other people on the road. Wheelie's at 120 mph (his speed is in kmp, not mph).

Sad for sure in my book.
Thats not the real ghost rider
