If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.


New Member
Hi guys. Been a couple years or so. Thought you'd like to see what recently happened to me and the R.M.S. Displacement.


Sooo....somewhere between Dumas and Amarillo (Texas) my engine lost drive. As in, it lost 100% of drive to the rear. I immediately thought "Oh shit, my chain must have snapped" but the chain was still there, just as dirty as ever. I pulled to the side of the road and began troubleshooting.

After removing the front sprocket cover the problem became obvious.

WHERE ON EARTH DID MY CRANKSHAFT NUT GO??? It somehow worked its way off at about 80 mph. I spent 10 minutes looking along the side of the highway, but it was dangerous with all the semis blasting past. I have a field toolkit with me but dern it all to heck, I just don't pack an extra crankshaft nut in there.

I have zip-ties though. After breaking the chain and remounting the sprocket, I tried to use a zip-tie as a nut but it wasn't bulky enough to hold everything in place. Last-ditch idea, I used a spare bundle of wire to act as a washer, one last zip-tie as the nut, then I coated everything with a tube of super glue. This is the jury-rig while I was waiting for the glue to dry.

I made it home, which was 92 miles away. I was worried that the repair job wouldn't hold. Now I'm worried about ever getting that wire spool off of there, haha.


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World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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MacGyver lives!

FYI, your sprocket teeth look a bit worn (bent). Recommend using locktite when replacing the nut.


New Member
FYI, your sprocket teeth look a bit worn (bent). Recommend using locktite when replacing the nut.

Yep, new sprockets and chain are due this summer. The last time I replaced them I just re-used the same crankshaft nut and the "key" you hammer into the crankshaft slit probably gave up the ghost. Lesson learned. Kinda makes me want to drill a hole and install a cotter pin, but I bet it takes a serious drill to make a hole in the 'shaft. Lock-tite it is.
