I need advice...on a job offer


New Member
I got a question for ya...Have you thought about the military? Stable, guaranteed paycheck, retirement, housing....I did over 10 years in the Air Force and don't regret a day. It helped put me where I am today with my family and my career. My wife and I bought our first house using the VA benefits when we were 21. Air Force paid for my two college degrees. Traveled all over the world (50+ countries). And, my wife loved being a military spouse. The only reason I left is I had a better job opportunity come up doing exactly what I wanted (State job).

Just a thought. If you have questions about the Air Force, PM me...and no, I'm not a recruiter trying to hit a quota. :)

Good luck with the new job, too.


New Member
I have but Im 240....5'10" and the military says I have to be 184lb before I can join.


New Member
lol thanks for that one ;) hahaha totally kidding! I agree


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member


New Member
I went from 235lb....down to 174...and back up to 240 now :( in a matter of two years


New Member
If your girl seriously said she'd leave you because you wouldn't be making enough money then leave her. Seriously. If she's there for money then tell her to fuck off. Jesus that just makes me mad.

Anyway on the topic, go for the new job!


New Member
Cautious... looks like your made your decision already... so Good luck with the new job!

About the fiancee, I believe you got enough advice on that!

Weight loss....try P90X...it works!


New Member



I was pretty fit as you can see


New Member
How's about some new pics ;) Hope all is well!

I stand by my case earlier, go with whatever makes you happy! When it comes to jobs I have ADHD... I love learning new stuff so if a job doesn't keep me learning I get bored with it... I don't leave it but it doesn't keep me happy... The military would be awesome but I would definitely recommend either the Navy or Air Force. Army is boring imo and you can persue college in the formers.

What about doing college now? Sometimes I see when people are in between jobs they do a little college and get enough fin aid to support themselves for a few months to do a semester, at least it's not wasted time and you get a change of pace. If the girl gets annoyed that you are in college now then geez lol. Anyways, I'm hoping for the best for ya! Good luck with everything!


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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New Member
Life is like a poo sandwich, the more bread, the better it is.

Both of those jobs suck- they don't pay enough.

Get a good job that pays. If you are overweight then start right now and take charge of your life and slim down, this will show Show potential employers that you are in control and mean business. The sooner you do this the better that sandwich will taste, (but only eat half, remember you are in control).

An ounce of perception is worth a pound of substance.

Make your own good luck, it does not come on its own. :thumbup:


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


Active Member
A little harsh, but well said Stephen.

CC, you need to decide where you want to go in life, and then come up with a plan to get there.

If you're not sure where you want to end up, then just get into an industry that you think you might enjoy. Try starting in the highest paying entry level job you can get in that industry. Usually that's manual labour, and not in the office. Then work your ass off, make no excuses, and be a leader.

Companies are not run by mere geniuses, they're run by leaders. Some of these leaders may also be geniuses, but i can't think of any substantial company that is run by a genius who isn't also a great leader. There are, however, a lot of companies that are run by great leaders, who aren't geniuses.

Work harder than the next guy, strive to be the best, do more than what is asked, and always try to set the example. You will be noticed, and it will pay off. Also, don't get complacent. Complacency causes delays in your success.

Additionally, take every opportunity for development. Companies have huge budgets for development, but not everyone gets a kick at that can. You have to tell them and show them that you deserve that kick. It will all pay off in the end.

I speak from experience. I run a 60+ million dollar operation for one of Canada's largest LTL carriers. I have no useable college or university education. When I was 19 and didn't know what I wanted to do, my sisters boyfriend got me a job on the dock at a courier company. I grew up in the country, so I wasn't aware that you were supposed to try to do as little as possible. The union was constantly on me for working too hard, but I couldn't help it. I did exactly as I have suggested above, from day 1, and have progressed my career to this point at the cost (and benefit) of my employers. I've worked hard, I feel I'm pretty smart, I always set the pace, and more than anything, I lead. I may not be the greatest leader and I don't run a huge company, but I didn't get to where I am by being a follower.

A little long-winded and you may think I'm full of crap, but at 22, you've got the best part of your life ahead of you. If I'd listened to my father, or anyone else that gave me this type of advice, when I was 22, I'd have been where I am today 10 years ago.

Don't take your future lightly. It's not easy and it's going to happen regardless, but it can be awesome, if you chose to make it so.

As for your girlfriend, I don't believe that was in your original question, so it's none of my business. I can only offer opinion, not facts.
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New Member
Take the consistent income and spend your time getting some education that can get you moving in a better direction. As for your girl, I’m on her side. This “all you need is love” is a bunch of crap. We wouldn’t hesitate a moment if you were going off on crack, or became a serious alcoholic or has a major gambling addiction that was destroying your life together. She isn’t there JUST for you, she is there for you and the life you can have together. If you loved each other but she turned into a crack head, I’m sure you would put in the effort to get her clean and get her back, but if you couldn’t, you would move on. Inability to support your family, hold a job and make a living. A living, read that word carefully, it means ability to live. To take away your girl’s chance to live, regardless of the ‘level’ of comfort, isn’t fair to her. If I decided to drop my job to be an starving artist, I don’t do that just to myself, I do that to my family. It may only be her right now, but I’m sure she feels someday it will be more. Its genetics for a woman to seen stability. It’s how they are wired.

Sometimes, all they need is to know you are putting in the effort to be more. To grow. We all look for that in our significant other, the belief that as time goes by, they will grow with you in different way. If she can only see the repetition of $900 per month jobs, she can see the future and it isn’t rosie. Take the consistent money and make an effort to step up to the next level. You might not make it, but its more about the effort. Relationships have fallen for things as simple and not stepping up and doing the dishes. It’s never about the money, the dishes or the symbolic things we want to attach them to. It’s about the effort.


New Member
Well said man!!! And as for education I have three quarters left and I then have an accounting degree


Active Member
OK, I can't help it.

Your girlfriend may or may not be a gold-digger. I have no way of knowing. But statistics show that most failed marriages have a root cause of money issues, either a lack of or an unagreeable quest for it. I can't imagine what it would be like to be completely broke and homeless with a wife and children. She is young and looking at what her future will hold. Being in love and snuggling up on a cold night probably sucks if you live in a cardboard box. Maybe she knows that if you guys have constant money issues as you build your lives together, that love you currently share will turn to disdain and regret.

Remember, virtually all failed marriages started by being in love. Obviously that's not all it takes.
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World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
Hey C.C.I just read this thread.. Wow your girl sure said some hurtful things BUT you did the right thing by asking for advice AND sitting down and talking to you girl. I am like you and I love my wife come hell or high water and I have always listened to my heart more than my head. Glad you took that new job and things are lookin up between you and your girl.. Good luck man,, I said it before to you and I will say it again,,you are a smart guy,,someone will notice and you will be rewarded for thoughts and actions,,,Karma can be good! Laurie.


New Member
Take the job, dump the girl. Relationships are not about money, what happens next time when you get laid off, or if you break a leg and can't work.... for her to even say that, I'd dump her. I've been married for over 13 years... money is always an issue, when it's tight, it's tight, you both have to bear down and get through it.

X's 2 Good luck on your choice.
