I just got "profiled"

WoW, that sounds pretty intense!

I have to say, I would just let them do their thing of checking out your motorbike and then leave on their merry way. It sucks that they are treating you and your mother with a sort of disrespect before they even have any basis to go off of. Sounds a bit silly to me....

Anyway, Good luck dealing with such an issue.
However if you film a crime, for instance if I shoot a suspect or get into a fight... I have the right to seize your video for evidence! That's California however...

Isn't it "wire tapping" to record police in California?

I recall a video that was posted online that showed a cop pulling a gun out for a traffic stop of a motorcyclist speeding. He was charged with wire tapping and they got a warrant for his computer and then found a bunch of videos of him riding reckless, and in turn, charged him with more crimes.
If I were you id call your local police station or sherriff dptment and ask if they could have one nearby or hell sit right across the street or something when these guys come over. If the guys start to get loud, obnoxious or even start throwing threats around, you atleast know you got your back covered.
These guys have been watching too much Numbers or maybe got too many fumes when they cleaned their guns or something.

I'd let them have a look, but I'd be making sure they have no doubt in their mind that you are a regular guy that gets up early and its all cool, they've obviously jumped the gun.

Acting passive would be a mistake, they'll see that as a guilty act.
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lol and it's not being "profiled" it's a lead they are investigating. Profiled would be if you got pulled over because you're a motorcycle rider or because your "white" etc....

That's why I put it in quote marks.

Either way these guys are complete idiots that don't know how to conduct themselves in a reasonable manor. They had no reason to be so rude to my mother, and the fact that They. Don't. Care. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off.

If they act the same way in front of me this afternoon I'll let them know how it's gonna be: You can drop the attitude or you can leave.

I was at work at the time of the robbery once again, and they didn't even care to ask for my bosses number or co-workers number. All they want is to look at my bike????

I'll post an update after they look or attempt to look at my bike and let you guys know what happened.
If this happened to me, I would agree to meet them at the local precinct of the Police Dept for my city and they can have a look at the bike there. You don't need this crap going on outside your Mom's house and it should keep them honest.
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This is pretty tripy, sounds like these cops have it in their mind that you are the kid they are looking for... lol.

I would certainly invite friends to stand on teh sidewalks and video and give your mom your phone and have her video from the house. I say the second that they take the wrong tone with you tell them to take a hike. They have no warrants or any real reason to detain you. At this point it's just a couple of cops with no real leads so they are after you.

Also it seems like it's somewhat personal to at least one of these cops for them to be acting like they are.
This is what happened:

He called when he pulled up to the house and told me to meet him outside. He didn't sound very nice or happy on the phone... I walk up and start recording and his mood magically brightens up.. He says that he is very sorry about yesterday and shows me the pictures that the person took of the thief's bike. I take a look and see that there is a skull cap helmet sitting on the seat(lol a thief and a total squid). I also see that the tank warning sticker is still on the bike. I know instantly that it's not mine and show him my bike. He agrees that the two bikes are different because of the sticker and some scratches seen in the pictures. He then once again says he is sorry for yesterday.

Aint it amazing what a little Iphone camera will do..
