I am tired of Contacts..... Has anyone here gotten Lasik done???


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I had it done about 6 years ago. I'm 43 now and it's still holding up. Just passed the eye exams for my motorcycle license last month, so it's at least 20/40 and I'm confident better as that line was cake. I would highly recommend it to anyone that can swing it.

ETA: FWIW, my vision was 20/200 and 20/240 before the surgery.
I had mine done in 2007 and I can still see great. Probably not 20/20 anymore, but I was only 20, and my eyes are still changing. I can still see better than others with glasses, and can easily pass the test for a license. I'm not sure what my eyesight was exactly before, but my contacts said -.375 & -.350 for prescription.
I'm sure they've made alot of changes to how it's done now, but it really wasn't a big deal then. By the time I say down in the first chair (after taking numbing crap), I was walking out the door in probably 10-15 minutes.

I had terrible problem with red eye with contacts, I can't bow many times I got the look at school or work, where people thought I was up to some "funny business.":zombie:

I tell everyone that it was the best thing I've ever done.
Mine was billed around $4800, but insurance took care of about $180", and family discount covered the rest. :D

And now that I see your prescriptions, mine must have been 3.75 &3.50 (probably couldn't read them). I just no I couldn't see the "E" on the charts.

I seen starbursts for about a week or two, during the heeling process, and then I was all good.

Btw, don't use a place that advertises, "buy one eye, get one free." ;)
Thanks for posting this! I have been thinking about this too.

Anthony, Have you tried using Clear Care contact solution? I have seasonal allergies so I know your fustration with eye irritation. I use acuvue oaysis lenses, clear care solution, and for drops I use Zaditor 15 minutes before I put in my lenses and when I take them out. Maybe that will help until you get lasik.

Have you talked to your eye doctor about the irritation?
Just had it done back in March, best $3800 (would be $4400 but insurance covered some) I ever spent. I'm seeing 20/20 now, and my eyes don't dry out (especially when the visor is cracked). Plus with the cost of contacts and solution, I was looking at about 30 years to break even, so as long as live a healthy life, it'll pay for itself in the end, but honestly the convenience factor is worth it. I'd say if you're a good candidate, go for it; my doc gave me a 0.1% chance that something would go wrong, but the procedures and tech these days are so advanced that it's pretty hard to screw up :D
I got mine done almost 10 years ago. Before surgery I was so blind I couldn't read a book at arm's length. Now I have perfect vision. I recommend it to anyone.
Had mine done about 8 years ago. My eyes were horrible. 4 weeks after lasik my eyes were 20/10. They've slowly gotten a little worse over the years. About 20/60 now. Another year or so I'll get it corrected. I paid around $6k initially, will cost me about $2k for the correction.

Same problem I had with contacts eventually. I wore them from 93-2005? then they just began bugging me too much for some reason.

I think I paid $3200 total for my surgery.. Keep in mind what state everyone is in though.. Like here in MN it is probably cheaper it sounds like than those who had it in CA, etc..

Where did you go? Was it the place I keep hearing on radio statoins in our area? I have been thinking about this for a while now, but my eyes are not all that bad to begin with.. just hate wearing contacts and glasses so been using the last of my contact supplies before I make my decision.
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