how many visits


New Member
has your profile had? Go ahead and take a look on your profile and post it up :cool:

Mine says: This page has had 3,155 visits

69! Allllriiiiiiiggggght!!! :giggitygiggity: :D
bunch of stalkers! ;)

But it does not count CC when you sit there and keep hitting the refresh button ya cheater! :D
your own views dont register you goon's :p
Im close to my goal JSP

Members: 4,696<<<<---
Threads: 8,419
Posts: 124,635
Top Poster: Cautious_Corner (4,639)<<<<---
1378.... Obviously I'm not that interesting. :rolleyes:
CC, you realize that'll mean you account for roughly 3.7% of all the posts in this forum?



I do :D
and did you notice soon Ill have more posts then we have members? OOOO YEEEAHHHHH :D lol
