How do you set the clock? lol


New Member
I can NOT figure this out for some reason, I didn't really notice it was wrong until this morning when I was riding to work. No manual with me so no way to check how to set it, so if some one could tell me that would be great!
hold both buttons in at the same time then the rest is self explainatory
Wait until midnight then disconnect/reconnect your positive terminal.

Worked on my Honda Civic every time!
Wait until midnight then disconnect/reconnect your positive terminal.

Worked on my Honda Civic every time!

Lol that's pretty funny!:D Never really thought about that. Guess thas one way to get it done
Or just break it and then it will be right twice a day?
Hahaha! Thanks for the morning laugh guys :D Hope you got to set your clock iSpoolin.

Kept forgetting I need to reset my clock bc it's 45 min behind and couldn't figure how to do it on the go...glad I wasn't the only one...thanks for the info!
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