high rpm pulls weak or normal?


New Member
Still being new to the motorcycle scene (exactly 1 week) I have a quick question. While riding around I'm usually shifting 5-6k just crusin along but when I mash the throttle fully I feel that the rpm just jumps and feels like the pull isn't as hard as the rpms are, is this normal o:? For example I'll be at about 4k rpm and then when I hit the throttle it almost immediately jumps to about 9k. So far really haven't had any problems with the clutch besides the occasional not letting off the gas fully so it doesn't want to go in. Thanks for your time guys and safe riding. I'm sure it's nothing but I like to hear some opinions from people who actually know a thing or 2, I'm a motorcycle noob.
^^ +1 above. if the engines at 9K, you should be moving. Verify clutch cable free play exists!

Get it figured out ASAP or you'll need a new set of clutch discs!
