Hi Viz Decals on a bike


New Member
Hello all,

So I've been riding over the weekend, and had a car pull into my lane, ignoring me :mad:, needless to say got me a bit steamed up. No damage to anyone, but long story short I flagged him down and we had a chat - he claims he didn't see me there, which I find extremely hard to believe - I ride a white bike, with my headlight on and have both a helmet and gear that's visible (specifically picked bright colours for both, for this reason).

I've had a lady t-bone me a couple of years ago going up a one way road the wrong way - yes, this is qld, and australian in car drivers imitiate blind wombats. I walked out of that one alive, thank God, but my lime green ninja was written off.

At any rate, I've been giving some thought on putting some high viz stickers on my bike for this reason. I'm yet to see someone try and do this to a police bike. Any policemen on bikes out there care to comment on whether people fail to take notice of you? While I definitely dont intend to make my bike a replica of a police bike, I am considering putting something that resembles the anniversary stripes on my bike but made of high viz red and possibly yellow or lime borders. And something similar to the front, but more flouro yellow and a red border or something along those lines. Im not intending to use the police colours or look like a policeman or have police or anything like that tattered across my bike.http://www.gosfordhobbies.com.au/shop/images/P/LGE-1241.jpg

Anyone know if there is any laws or what not they come up with that would make this illegal, especially in qld, given the new laws about bikies? Has anyone that did this been pulled over and given a ticket? I've looked around but can't seem to find anything that states this would be bad - the only thing I've seen is that the road rules encourage the use of high viz vests (I wear one if the weather is is even slightly cloudy, I could care less if Im pulled over for that - I can fight and win that in court)

Appreciate any input anyone can provide - pro or con. Have a great day.

Cars manage to drive into cars, no ammount of stickers, or hi vis will make you visible.

Good roadcraft, movements, and maintaining segregation from cars will make you visible and keep you alive.

Look into some of the advanced roadcraft courses around and they'll help you heaps.
I'm in QLD and still manage to get people to cut me off even when I'm sitting right next to the driver door, They just don't bother to shoulder check. I try now to always be in front of cars or behind and not in a blind spot. Btw it's going to get worse as new cars now come with blind spot indicators on the mirror so less people bothering to shoulder check.. what's going to happen the sensor fails I sure hope I'm not in the blind spot.

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Cars manage to drive into cars, no ammount of stickers, or hi vis will make you visible.

Good roadcraft, movements, and maintaining segregation from cars will make you visible and keep you alive.

Look into some of the advanced roadcraft courses around and they'll help you heaps.

I agree. What i really do is pretty much assume every single car does not see me or is going to hit me on purpose, sucks some of the fun out of riding for sure but when im in the city its worth it. When i get into the canyons and there is no cross streets or multi lanes i can relax my brain a bit.
When I am riding, and I see a car that looks like it might pull out into my lane (almost all of them), I weave a little bit.

Our brains are trained to look for movement, and a single headlight moving back and forth is much more noticeable than a single headlight coming towards them. When they don't see you and pull out it's called a SMIDSY (Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You).
Just this morning I had a guy moving into my lane. He looked in his tiny side mirror and started moving over. I laid on my horn and moved up beside his driver's door. He looked right at me and kept coming. It was when he saw my foot come up ready to boot his door that he moved back. I don't have any high viz decals on the bottom of my boot, but he saw it.

I honestly don't think high viz decals will make much of a difference.

Just this morning I had a guy moving into my lane. He looked in his tiny side mirror and started moving over. I laid on my horn and moved up beside his driver's door. He looked right at me and kept coming. It was when he saw my foot come up ready to boot his door that he moved back. I don't have any high viz decals on the bottom of my boot, but he saw it.

I honestly don't think high viz decals will make much of a difference.

Looked right at you and kept coming? i really wish we had some way more stringent tests on getting a drivers license here.
