
New Member
Hey there's a contest on going on, online. I know many of you don't have facebooks but if you can click the link and fill out the form, not only will you help me out but you'll be entered in for the contest. Normally, I wouldn't approve of this spam :rolleyes:. But I want to win the tent for my girlfriend and I! and by filling it out you might win the 100$ gift card :D

Thanks if you do it, and thank you for your time if you don't!

I hope everyone getting hit by the hurricane on the east coast is okay!

Here is the link:

----------------> EASTERN MOUNTAIN SPORTS: PRIZE GIVEAWAY!! <------------

Everyone has a personalized link, if you want me to fill in for you I'll be more than happy to fill it out again. I don't know if it counts but :wav:
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Thanks you two, I hope someone from the forums gets the 100$ gift card. Would be pretty neat :D! I have no clue how many referrals I need to beat for the tent though :(
Thanks alot guys, I knew I could count on the fam here! And for those who wish me luck, I'm wishing you luck as well!
