HELP!!!! FZ6R Shutting off!!!


New Member
Hello Everyone....

So I have a small problem with the bike. I'm going to do my best to describe the two issues my bike is having the situation it happened in to best give everyone the best idea on whats going on.

I have the 09 FZ6R currently with 2,800 miles on it. ( I do also have a TB and PC5)

one friend on a local forum ,geo, suggested that it may be the PC5 that I have installed, that due to the bike not being Dyno'd/tuned is why its shutting off. I'd love to hear everyones suggestions on what they think it would be and if anyone wants to come around and give me a hand in its fixing, that would be FANTASTIC. C'mon, help a girl out (IF anyone is local that is..I know thats only like...2 of you...haha)

Issue #1. This has happened twice, both at about 2 hours of riding. I pull up to a light, and rather than downshifting as i approch, I fully in engage the clutch and downshift as a slow down, applying the brake as I get to that point where I need more of a stop. Well, as clutch is fully engaged and I'm slowing down, the bike shut off. I do not believe it was overheating, the clutch was definitly fully pulled in, so i didnt just stall out of anything. So i come to a stop, put it in neutral and push the start button. It comes right issues. This has happened twice now, at about 2 hours or so into a good ride. Mind you, i dont do CRAZY speeds or anything so it was a mild touring/cruising type ride on the bike, seemingly no stress on the bike itself

Issue #2. This has happened a couple different times in different situations. The most recent situation that I can explain in detail about what happened, was yesterday. I was in the left hand turning lane, waiting for the light, a lovely idiot driver ahead of me. The light turned, giving us a green arrow and he proceeeeeeeeded to just sit there. I gave the bike a little rev to give me some noise to wake said driver up, and the bike went up in RPM's, lowered and was off....werrrrrid. So I started her back up and went home (a whole 2 minutes away) When I got home, I wanted to do a couple tests to see if it was situational, happenstance or w/e...cuz there was times a good rev and it did nothing, so it wasn't the first time i rev'd the bike, clutch engaged and nothing happened. So when I got home i did it a couple times with clutch fully engaged and with the bike in neutral. Small little rev's and the bike was fine. You could hear what sounded like it cutting off, but would pick itself up and keep running...but if she went over a meeny 3k... it would go up and shut off when ti got back down to idle.

Can anyone PLEASE help/offer advise? Geo suggests thats it the PC5, that having the correct map on isnt enuff, that i should get it tuned as well. Which, in general, I want to do, but i want other opinions on if this is what is causing this and if anyone could tell me why? Other have suggested me checking the play in the clutch cable, does this sound close as well?

I'm looking to learn here to any information either it be gear heads knowing what it could be doing, or anyone that has had similar problems and what fixed would be great to hear from you!

Thank you so so so much in advanced for helping the girl newbie out guys!!!

Again, if anyone things they can come around and give me a hand, anything is appriated (maybe your buddy can give me a dyno discount or you wanna get ur hand on the throttle and give it a couple twists and is local....of course) please let me know!! THANK YOU!!!
PM ur email so I can forward you a PC5 firmware. I had the exact problem you had last year and contacted dynojet. They sent me a firmware and it fixed the problem.
Firmware sent!
Bike would shut off when in gear whenever I pull in the clutch. Happens at anything above 3K revs.
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I guess its a similar problem, but not exact. Its not every time I pull the clutch in (or id never get anywhere, haha) and it only shuts off over 3k when I rev'd it (clutch engaged or in neutral) but not every day...there was days id rev it to make noise and it would be fun

The map i have marthy is the one from the pc5 site for TB w/ stock air filer

I've been wanting to change it to one of yours, but I dont have a PC laptop so its been difficult, lol
Can you send me the firmware also? Just use the email on my website... It happen to me before. Once the Autotune lean out too much (at the biginning) and the other time it was bad fuel. Not sure witch map she got... I'll check it out...

Firmware Sent!
I do reg gas and I try to only do stations that were on that list someone posted on here...Chevron, Shell and the like...tho I've cheaped out and done the 7/11 gas, but I've never had an issue, and it up there in price with the big boys so...
I agree and had no problem doing premium, but the couple ppl i spoke with said that our bike really doesnt need to go to that level of gas like the other sport bikes I didnt...
I have the PCV and I start the bike cold, let it warm to 135 to 165 and take off up the driveway and stop at the top to check traffic before I enter the street.
I pull in the clutch after going up the hill at about 3K as I let off the throttle and the bike dies every time. Have to restart and sometimes that takes 2 or 3 tries before it lights. Has nothing to do with any maps I've got loaded......
I have the latest downloadable firmware from PC.

I lost the last copy Stricken sent before I could update...LOL.....
Sent PM.

Really? I'm not in front of my bike right now, but I am in front of my owner's manual, and it says:

Your Yamaha engine has been designed to use regular unleaded gasoline with a pump octane number [(R+M)/2] of 86 or higher, or a research octane number of 91 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) occurs, use a gasoline of a different brand or premium unleaded fuel.​

Maybe my swingarm says something different, or maybe this is because my bike is a California bike?

Technically both are correct, on the swingarm it says 91 ron octane, which is the octane rating system used in the UK or probably everywhere else. Us Americans always like to be special and use the CLC octane rating system. The 91 octane rating is equivalent to 86 or whatever that we use here. Personally, I use 91 CLC.

Here is a nice tidbit on the explanation of octane ratings if you wanna read:
Octane Ratings
