Hello, new member and rider from San Diego!


New Member
Hello to all,

New to this site, I recently took the MSF course in June and prior to that I had never operated any type of two-wheeled vehicle. I ride a white 2009 FZ6r and I live in San Diego, CA. I have a bad disc on my spine so getting into riding was a gamble altogether and getting the right bike was tricky. Although the reason I got into the bike scene was the R6, after sitting on both the R6 and the FZ6r, it was a no brainer for me. This is such a smooth ride and it has the right amount of power for a beginner like myself. I have seen some really nice FZ6r's in here and since I may be keeping this bike for a long time I'm looking to customize it so please help me out. I want to eliminate the rear fender and possibly buy a new tail light with integrated turn signals. Also I'm debating whether I should install a full exhaust w/headers or a slip-on. I'm not looking to add crazy power, I just want to make it louder. I've only been riding for a month and already two different cars turned into my lane without using their turn signals or checking to see if there was a bike there. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
Welcome! Love SD, I'm there often, well Chula Vista actually.

I too have bad discs L5 and S1 and i love the fact this bike is just fine on my back.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :cheer:

The mighty Search feature to your right hand side will be your best friend here as you don't want to wake the search-nazis. They get very angry when something is posted over and over again. Wait... I'm a member of that! :eek: Oops.

Anyway, welcome to this wonderful site where people come and go, but DakinechicK is forever!
^^ I think I like my new little saying. I think I'll stick with it. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I remember sitting on the R6 and got off immediately! There's no way I can ride in that position for long periods. I live in Carlsbad to be exact and mostly ride in the north county area. Thanks for the welcome!
Actually the guy that got me into bikes just moved to Aurora. Sucks because we never got to go for a ride here in Ca. Anyway I hear Colorado is beautiful! I'm feeling the love here! Thanks!
I have a friend in Modesto so If I'm in the area I can hit you up on my way up there. I'd like to check out your bike.
Welcome aboard, you joined not only a forum but a family if you need to know anything just ask. Once again welcome aboard and were glad to have you join us!
