Hello All!!!


New Member
Well just bought a 2009 FZ6R, love the bike thought it was a 2011 though... but after looking at the specs and stuff its the excact same bike ahh well. Just wanted to drop a line and say hey!
congrats and welcome!

come on, you can't leave us hanging with "thought it was a 2011, but it's an 09" - spill the story - used or leftover new? color?
Well I was talking to the dealer and he said it was "New" which it was had 0 miles on it. And from most of the things I read on the web it looked like the 2011 FZ6R, even on the main site so I thought it was.

Had the wife go down to the dealership to finish the paperwork since I got called out for work. Anyhow when she went to register it and get the insurance got the vin on it it was a 2009. Paid $6990.00 for it. From what I been looking in the area its been running a around the 7200.00 price tag.

But was still kinda bummed, though the 2009 and 2011 seem to be the excact same bike.
Hello and welcome to the site from East Coast Canada:canada: So I am curious,,,did the dealer infact tell you BEFORE you signed and took posession of the FZ6R that is was a 2009? Or did he avoid this by saying that the bike was a new without stating the year???
Said it without saying the year, my fault though I forget that bikes arn't like cars and keep the same style for a few years..
congrats and welcome!

come on, you can't leave us hanging with "thought it was a 2011, but it's an 09" - spill the story - used or leftover new? color?

to be fair, when i bought my bike (09) i thought it was brand new as well, since it was june '10 and it was sitting on the showroom floor.

i probably paid too much, but it was still worth it, and since there's no difference between 9/10/11 besides colors...well, it's just a blue 10 now ;)
Welcome to the family. Maybe you didn't get a 2011 but you did get a "new" bike. Zero miles is brand new :)

Oh yeah! :needpics:
Welcome to the family. Maybe you didn't get a 2011 but you did get a "new" bike. Zero miles is brand new :)

Oh yeah! :needpics:

Once again I agree Mr.President...but The DAMN DEALER should have told you that the bike was a left over 2009. I suppoose that the price for a 2009 6R now is higher than say 2 or 3 months ago because rebates are now a thing of the past from Yamaha on left over stock. However I still think that both the buyer (gdh8tsu) and the seller should have had better communication. This to me would kind of sour me on that dealer,,after all what else could he let slip by without telling a customer.
The dealer should have defiantly stated the year. The value on the used market is that of a 3 year old bike. Exactly the same as a 2011, but at trade in time there is a difference.

That being said. Welcome to the forum and I hope you have many good miles. I sure have.
Yeah you are probably right BUT:: 1- you would not be as comphy riding
2- your insurance will be cheaper 3- you will get more miles per tank of fuel
4- you would not have met such a great group of guys + gals in this FZ6R Forum!!!!!:D:iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer:
Welcome and Congrats on your new bike! Sorry to hear about the dealer holding out information on you, them lying bastards! Anyways, I know you will enjoy it.
True true lol, nah you know it is what it is, though that extra grand would of probally been nice.. shit no hiding it it would have been nice but hey its all good, I probally would of pissed it away drinking, though bad juju on a bike

I would just consider it a cheaper '11! still have the warranty, no miles, and the ONLY difference is they added orange. oh well. lol! ride the hell outa it and have fun.
