having trouble leaning left


New Member
guys the title says it all....

I cant seem to get comfortable leaning off the bike for a left hand turn...if its a right hand turn I lean off no problem while looking into the turn. I keep hitting left curves/twisties to try and work through it but I am still hesitant and Idk how to get over it or whats wrong....I can even feel how crossed up I get. and I try to correct it but I still cant get my body shifted off the bike for a left hand turn.
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Hypnosis - works every time.
haha I'm the total opposite
what i did was go to an empty parking lot (or the back of a wear house in my case) and i just did circles going to the right and get tighter and faster to the point now were im still more comfortable going left but i actually lean and go faster going right. I know this because i scrape my right pegs more now and i mounted my camera on the rear and could actually see myself hanging off a little further and leaning a bit more.

hope this helps and good luck
Just quit being a bitch and get off the bike!

Just playing with you, but honestly I had the same problem at first, try using the tank as kind of an anchor to the bike, knowing your locked on gives you a lot better confidence in situations like this.
Just quit being a bitch and get off the bike!

Just playing with you, but honestly I had the same problem at first, try using the tank as kind of an anchor to the bike, knowing your locked on gives you a lot better confidence in situations like this.
You could always tie your ankles to the footpegs. No fear of falling off then.
It has always been the opposite for me. Turning left,, I could hang off further,lean over better. But turning right,for me was always an issue I could never turn as well right as I could left. C.C.,,,,,maybe those big "breasts" of yours get in the way!:eek:
It has always been the opposite for me. Turning left,, I could hang off further,lean over better. But turning right,for me was always an issue I could never turn as well right as I could left. C.C.,,,,,maybe those big "breasts" of yours get in the way!:eek:

i hear ya CC... for high speed turns, i have a much easier time leaning/ turning right than turning left. but, for slow speed turns, i have an easier time turning left. and, i often find it more difficult to find the right apex/ angle for tight, slow speed right turns... i think that the only way to overcome this is to just practice more and not think too much... in due time we should all get better at it.
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a few shots of whiskey before a ride will loosen you up...

Just curious,did you ever have a bad bicycle crash and go down on the left. I read an article where they linked that to a motorcyclists weak side. I am sure that is not always the case but for me it did actually work that way. My weak side is right handers and I have the scars to prove it from a nasty high speed bicycle crash on the pavement at 12 years old. Practice has improved my fear of right handers. :thumbup:
No...never really had an issue like that in the past but excellent concept I never thought of dragonblu
It's common for a rider to prefer or turn better going one way and not the other. :) Practice makes perfect. (I suck at righties myself).

I have trouble turning to the right. I recommend the tighter and tighter circle turn exercise. Try that for say, 11 hours, and you'll be fine.
