Hate my life

college is basically a piece of paper telling society that u r not a complete moron... tho, i've met many ppl with such papers that have the intelligence equivalent to that of a fruit fly. so, i wouldn't be putting your self worth in that picnic basket, per say... <lol>

that said, reality is- u do need to get that piece of paper still to f(x) in society. so, u have to be somewhat organized to see it thru. great to hear that u got a 2nd chance. get it together man. u can do it. :)
Chucker hit the nail on the head and I concur with his words wholeheartedly.

The only person that can ever change anything in your own life is you. Now that you have your second chance, stop modding the forums 24/7, stop messing around with other things in your life, focus on school and in 3 short quarters, you'll be done and get a purdy piece of paper to prove it. Don't get so close (financially and personally invested) just to get so far away.
It all works out in the end. If you only have 3 classes left it's not like they take away all the stuff you've done so far. Just take a quarter / semester break if you need to. Re-focus and get the last 3 classes done. If you have to do it at another school, so be it. Credits transfer.

I've been hiring for 4 years now, and I don't really pay attention to the school name. I pay attention to if they have the skills the job requires.
Like they said when they let me out,"we don't ever want to see you here again son." :) Second chances are great,get on with success Josh! We will catch you later.
Hey Josh sorry to hear it but chin up!!! I've seen guys come out of prison and make successes of themselves that are a lot older than you! That's what's so awesome about our country man! College may or may not be for you but I know one thing - sounds like you weren't going for yourself. That's always an issue - what do YOU want to do with your life... not what your chick wants or your parents. They'll respect you more when you discover your own passion and go for it!! And you'll be back on top in no time.

That being said, I was 43 when I finally learned that lesson, lol!! I'm 49 now and I finally feel really good about myself... doing what I want to do... invited my wife to leave if she doesn't like it and she respects me now more than ever. Problem is though, with my new confidence I could probably do better, lol!! :D
Cautious. I feel for you man but Chucker is right. In addition, Suck it up. If she loves you, she will be with you through the good times and the bad. Find a way to finish and put this schooling thing behind you. You know what the call a Doctor who finishes with a 2.0 GPA??? Answer: Doctor.
Get er done man!!!
Sorry Brother I'm late on this thread but, holy hell dude. You're a hard working guy who travels 1 1/2 hours to work one way! You work crazy hours and you hardly see your girl... That's tough on anyone! You sacrifice a lot for your family and friends. That my friend is what we call a "Man" you're a great person, keep your head up.

Glad you're working out the school issue... Keep it up brother. :thumbup:
Man the f*** up CC, I know we all can't quit our jobs, but if you have to to finish college do it. You are SO close. I can't get a full time job because of college, I know that and unfortunately that's why I see so many mods I want but ultimately I can't I work more than 12 hours a week and my coursework is almost too much for even that. I've given up seeing my girlfriend for the next semester. If your fiance loves you, you should be able to somehow say look I have to cut my hours back, switch jobs, or quit altogether.

Depending on your major and who you are as a person, it is a full time job. And for those of you who frown upon calling it a full time job, some people make all their money by studying and applying to scholarships. That's how they survive all year. Those 2 or 3 financial aid checks.

My uncle paid for his chemical engineering degree by doing everyone's homework. Man the f*** up, stop crying and find a solution. I'm applying for the FDNY because they have a good work schedules and I might not even get called for the next 2 yrs. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!?!?


For those of you who might think bah you can work and go to school, sometimes 3 300 level math courses and 300 level physics, just require too much time. Make sure you put in what you want to get out of your degree. The more you focus, the better your grades, the more you're going to be sought after when you graduate.

You don't go for a degree you go to network and make a career for yourself. Th more you interact with your professors, the better chance you have getting a position in the field of your choosing.
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Yeah I feel you man, I worked 80 hr work weeks, went to school full time in the nights and also online and was on travel for work in San Diego for almost 2 years and also traveled alot with my company in various locations around the US for about 9 months out of the year and had 3 kids at the time.

I finally got my Degree and I dont even work in my degree field (never even got a raise for getting my degree..) and the degree I got seems pretty much useless to me, so I can feel that frustration. All I can really say is stick to it and get it done its a good feeling that you acomplish something. Just grin and go it man its the olny thing you can do it!!
Hang in there CC, this may just be the low point - you will look back on it one day with pride that you got through it.

Make sure and be disciplined about sleep, it needs to be a priority, school low on sleep sucks, good luck buddy.
Good luck man, there's always another door. Glad you were able to find it and everything worked out.

Resiliance and survivalism FTW!
Sorry I'm late to the party. What happened sucks for sure, but it's often the difficult times that end up giving us the greatest benefit in the end. I'm really glad to see that you're being given the chance to finish at your current school. Make the most of that opportunity! YOU ALONE know what YOU need to do to be successful. We can offer you SUGGESTIONS of what works for US, but when it all boils down YOU are the ONLY YOU on the planet. You know what your schedule is and how many things you can successfully juggle at once, etc. You need to figure out what works for you, make a plan, and execute it. Good luck! If you study as hard as you lower the boom with the Super Mod Hammer, college doesn't stand a chance against you! :D

No disrespect intended for anyone, but what works for one (or more) of us may not work for Josh. We aren't in HIS situation nor in HIS mind. Getting his priorities straight is about as far as I'll go for advice. Working less, quitting his job, or whatever else may not be what's best for him. First of all, some people can handle more than others. I've known people that can work 80+ hours a week while going to school and excel at both. I've also known people that couldn't hand school or work alone. Second, your priorities may be different than someone else's. Is getting that piece of paper worth more than a good job (especially in this economical climate)? How critical is your timeline to getting the degree? Do you NEED to have it NOW, or can it wait? I'm not trying to say one answer is better than another, only that the answers are going to be different depending on who you ask.
Lots of people can't pass college. Lots more can't even get in.

I see you are working as a service writer now. What are you going to college for ?

10 yrs. after you get your degree it won't matter where you went or what grades you got. What will matter is the people you went to school with, as they will be working in the same field as you and can be your best source of job leads and information during the first few years you are establishing yourself in your career.
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No im not a service writter anymore. I am a delivery coordinator and accesories specialist at my dealership. Basically the closing specialist I sell you all of the extras before you go to finance. Service contracts, accesories, the whole 9 yards. 66k a year roughly.
No im not a service writter anymore. I am a delivery coordinator and accesories specialist at my dealership. Basically the closing specialist I sell you all of the extras before you go to finance. Service contracts, accesories, the whole 9 yards. 66k a year roughly.

If you're making that kind of dough without a degree :thumbup:... I don't think there's much to worry about. Yes, do your best to get college finished up, but if it comes down to work vs. school, I know what I'd do in your situation.

I hope your fiance reacted well to the situation. Considering you're still bringing home the bacon, she shouldn't have anything to worry about. She may just push you a bit harder to study. That's pretty much the situation I'm in. Unfortunately, I need to pass my exam to get to the salary level you're already at!:surrender:
If you're making that kind of dough without a degree :thumbup:... I don't think there's much to worry about. Yes, do your best to get college finished up, but if it comes down to work vs. school, I know what I'd do in your situation.

I hope your fiance reacted well to the situation. Considering you're still bringing home the bacon, she shouldn't have anything to worry about. She may just push you a bit harder to study. That's pretty much the situation I'm in. Unfortunately, I need to pass my exam to get to the salary level you're already at!:surrender:

Agreed! I don't see any reason to sacrifice your work to finish school "faster". Keep working hard and finish school on your time. This situation is no reason for your fiance to be legitimately pissed at you really, at least in my opinion.
What is your major?

And if you are making 66k per year, why aren't you paying back student loans already?
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Don't beat yourself up. You've got to focus and remain driven. Don't change schools or Majors. Stick with the plan.

The graduation rate for my school was 40% for a BA, so I don't know why you are kicking yourself so hard about one class.

And, if any relationship doesn't work out, don't sweat it. The best things to ever happen to me always started with a break-up or a divorce . . . no shit.

I took my first college class in 1980 and completed my BA degree in 2008, so that was, let me see, 28 years to complete a BA degree? You wanna bet I didn't have a few issues along the way?
