Handle Bars Crooked


New Member
Ok i dropped my bike on the right side the other day... It was pretty much at a stand still... Well i went to ride today and noticed going down the highway that my bars are slightly crooked. I do not see any movement on the actual handles mounting point on the fork.. Just wondering if it is something below the handlebars that would fix this problem?Basically what areas should i check to fix this??? Thanks


New Member
your bar itself is probably bent


New Member
When I crashed the bars were so bad they hit the tank at 1/4 turn, so I locked the front wheel with the key so it wouldn't move and I tweaked them back into place as good as they are gonna get...may take a minute to get them good enough, but once bars are bent don't expect them to be perfectly straight without some serious measurements..., also look to see if the triple clamps twisted in their rubber mounts, could also be a culprit


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Elite Member


New Member
It depends on which ones you get and how you adjust them. That's the beauty of them. I do remember one person who had a thread on a set of clip-ons they tried, but dont feel like taking the time to search for it.


New Member
If not bent you should ( not looking at bike now but) lossen the triple tree that clamp to the forks and tweak it back. Same Principle as your dirtbike. I think that should work. Again double check as not near my bike right now but is possible...But given your situation..Im with Cbezel...probably bent em with the fall.
