Grooved pavement is a nightmare

I'm never surprised or dismayed at road conditions.

After riding around here in GA and AL, I've become quite used to coming around a curve at speed only to find that the pavement ends without notice.

MSF lessons and some creative breaking save the day every time. :thumbup:

Funny was thinking the same thing about roads around here, have seen much the same.
That is when the MX knowledge comes in. :thumbup:

I'm never surprised or dismayed at road conditions.

After riding around here in GA and AL, I've become quite used to coming around a curve at speed only to find that the pavement ends without notice.

MSF lessons and some creative breaking save the day every time. :thumbup:

Lot of truth to this. The roads here in AL can be an absolute nightmare, with that grooved/gravelled experience being a perfect example of it. They at least had the decency to put out a sign that said "Grooved Pavement" and a warning sign for people on motorcycles. Not something I want to repeat again any time soon by any means.
