Golf fans-The Masters


New Member
Do we have any golf fans here, if so, who is everybody pulling for this week in The Masters?

I personally have always been a Tiger Woods fan, through thick and thin, and would loooove to see the man win his fifth Masters. Lets hear who everybody is pulling for!!
Do we have any golf fans here, if so, who is everybody pulling for this week in The Masters?

YESSS!!! Streaming Amen Corner Live on my phone by my computer at work!

I can't say I have one specific guy I'm pulling for, but would love to see Rory redeem himself from last year. I'm just a fan of good golf. I have a ton of guys I would love to see win it.
HAHA I am doing the exact same thing, makes being productive rather difficult!! OOPS!!
HAHA I am doing the exact same thing, makes being productive rather difficult!! OOPS!!

Do you guys play golf?

I got into last year and my brother in law is teaching me. Can't wait to get warmer and start playing this year again. (by the way I still suck at it).
My main man... Phil Mickelson! Now, although he has already won three, he is still my top choice for the win this year as well!
Heck yea! I have been playing for years, and I STILL suck at it. I've played alot of sports well, and as far as I am concerned golf is BY FAR the hardest sport in the world!

Do you guys play golf?

I got into last year and my brother in law is teaching me. Can't wait to get warmer and start playing this year again. (by the way I still suck at it).

Been playing since I could walk and hold a plastic club...

Keep at it! It's a great lifelong sport. You don't have to be great to enjoy it. Just enjoy the adventure of continuously getting better. Trust me, it's more fun than getting worse. I've gotten consistently worse since college due to lack of play.
Ole lefty is as good as any of them out there, but he actually hasnt been playing well as of late. He could certainly take the crown though, I am south paw as well so I am partial to Phil myself.
My main man... Phil Mickelson! Now, although he has already won three, he is still my top choice for the win this year as well!

He's playing well this year!!
Heck yea! I have been playing for years, and I STILL suck at it. I've played alot of sports well, and as far as I am concerned golf is BY FAR the hardest sport in the world!

I disagree. I tried baseball and was worst than golf. But I'm from brazil, we are born with a thing for soccer so it makes harder for us to learn anything else.

If you ever need a goalkeeper, I'm the one to call.. ahahahahahah

I've played alot of sports well, and as far as I am concerned golf is BY FAR the hardest sport in the world!

No doubt about it... hardest to master at least!
